Think that's bad? Most recycling crap ends up in the landfill anyway. Why aren’t we recycling more plastic? by United Nations Development Programme - United Nations Development Programme | UNDP - Exposure. Many tons of it we offshore and guess what those countries do .... yep same thing .
Yeah I think the answer is to just curtail this stuff, as much as possible, on many levels (personal, corporate, government). from your link: “Plastic waste is often contaminated with labels” I remember decades back, we were getting bread in a 5-pack, each loaf in a plastic bag. The plastic was label-free, then they started applying a nutritional label, to each loaf bag. I emailed, asking if that was hampering recycling, got the brush off I think: they said it didn’t matter. now we make our own bread.
I bought a set of rechargeable ones last year... hoping they last as long as we bother doing seasonal decorations and beyond.
Many of those labels are simply impossible to remove. Soaking for hours might get them off, only to leave plenty of glue residue. Noticed the European jams and sodas I sometimes get have labels easier to remove.
I'll try pealing labels, and if it's not happening, just snip out that zone. Appreciate that's time consuming to the point of being nuts.
I keep a green recycling bin where I work to recycle non-plastics at the nearest military base when I pass through there. If I tried to recycle plastics then I'd need a larger vehicle. It's left over from when our county used to do recycle plastics. I would not mind a government programme to restart plastics recycling here in the US, accepting the inefficiency, but I'm a little suspicious of programmes that involve paying OUTCONUS companies to ship the stuff overseas.
And here's a tip I stumbled on last night about breaking glue by freezing it. Never tried that myself though.
Yep; and the flat lander tailgaters are the worst - They always end up sliding into you........ I'm always flashing my tail lights at them to back-off... I love the ones that goes around me, I usually see them again a few miles down in a snow drift. I just wave at them. as I'm driving by. If it isn't a well traveled road, I'll stop or call road service for them. You don't want to break traction, unless you absolutely have to.
I was that guy once, back in my "won't happen to me!" days. It was my second-ever experience of pilot-involved oscillation on land. At least I didn't end up stuck in the snow drift. Managed to get a 180 to happen and slide into the drift backward with the right quarter panel. Pulled forward and turned around again and finished my trip—more carefully. Didn't even scratch the paint.
The vent though is about adding more effort to a process we want easy so more people comply. There are glues and labels that can meet that requirement.
"It's left over from when our county used to do recycle plastics." At Least 85 Percent of U.S. Plastic Waste Went to Landfills in 2021 | Smithsonian. "At its peak in 2014, plastic recycling rates only reached 9.5 percent" "U.S. plastic waste exports, which are included in recycling rates, decreased from 1.84 million tons in 2017 to 0.61 million tons in 2021 as countries such as China began ceasing to accept America’s waste, per the report." "The paltry 5-6 percent U.S. plastic recycling rate in 2021" So, plastics recycling was not big and became small in US, it was never big. Where is it larger? What Country Recycles The Most Plastic | Plastic Expert Plastic recycling rates are increasing, but slowly, in many regions - Our World in Data Separating types, and from debris are essential to success. Some can be recast if separated. In future, many can be microbially reformed but only if separated. Lots of critters have effective enzymes and those are getting modified to perform better. Plastics are not 'forever' that is a vent without basis in truth. But as a mixed stream mixed with other debris, recycling can't get a start. Then on to landfills where microbes lack oxygen in addition to the mixture problem. One can make plastics pseudo-forever by mixing with whatever and burying them. But it requires that effort.
Did that too, when I was young and dumb..... You've got a bit more control in a FWD vs a RWD, unless you weigh down the rear end a bit.
There are some repurposing that doesn't require seperating. Can also use heat and pressure in various ways to reduce them down to basic hydrocarbon components.
Drove my 21 Prius to work this morning and noticed something shiny in the middle/bottom of the windshield....a crack! I did hear a loud crack a few days ago when driving at night....stupid pebbles that get in with the sand they put on the road. Going to get to our local windshield repair guy this morning when he gets in, hopefully sealing it will prevent it from spreading. (Getting a windshield replaced in modern Prius is usually around $2,000....unlike my 2014 Tundra which is $400, no electronics.)
Some of this recycling effort sounds a bit like when I was a kid. A few of us would use a common mill bastard file to file down U.S. pennies to U.S. dime size to use in vending machines. That craze did not last long...or should I say the actual filing lasted quite long and was quite an effort. Bruised, scraped fingers and eons of effort was all it took to "make" nine cents. I think that experience put the kabosh on several of us little criminals continuing with a life of crime. Think I did two "conversions" before my AH HA moment!