Hi Folks, have 2011 Prius. Was working fine and suddenly got ABS light. Brakes are jammed and even after pushing on brake pedal, it’s very hard to apply brakes. Did scan the codes, got c1203, c1252,c1253, c1256 and c1345. ABS is NOT making frequent rattling noise and this is fairly new ABS system which I replaced last year. So, not sure what’s the problem. I tried to clear the codes, however, the codes are not going away. 12v battery was read and it came at 11.7v. Did recharge this 12v battery and also tried connecting this 12v battery to other car battery by jump start cable. Still nothing improved and got same codes. Also tried bleeding all 4 brakes, but still no improvement. Please provide suggestions.
So let's be clear last year or whenever it was not too long ago you replaced what The actuator and the other part both pieces is recommended by Toyota? Or you just replace the piece that folks told you to replace one or the other that may be your problem Toyota recommends both pieces be replaced obviously with new so if you're buying used and only replacing the one piece well that may be part of the issue I've been waiting to find out it this can happen again especially in this model that's why I'm asking about what you bought and what you replaced and with and how thanks.
Well that's a horrible situation for it to be bad again damn New parts I guess I kind of hope not but Jesus But if those are brand new parts I would think they would still be under warranty not positive of that but one would think
Do you think it is ABS going bad or something else. I don’t hear rattling noise of ABS every few seconds. So, I thought there is something else which triggered this error.
I would at least check the fuses and relays associated with the system. When you say you don't hear the ABS every few seconds, does that also mean you don't hear the ABS at all?
The question remains - were new dealer supplied parts installed last year? Second - has someone recently tried to do the Techstream bleed and calibration on the system, perhaps unsuccessfully?
Don’t hear ABS at all. Brakes are jammed. Need to push the pedal hard to apply brakes. Thus, it seems that only manual brakes are functional. Hence ABS is not working.
Yes, new parts were installed last year. No techstream bleed or calibration was performed prior to getting codes. After getting codes, I did try to calibrate the ABS system in a way when we replace the ABS. However, it is failing that process. Not sure what’s going on.
When you purchased the new Toyota actuator and pump, did you provide the dealership with your VIN so that you got the correct parts? When you installed the new actuator last year, how did you bleed the brakes? Did you use Techstream or some other scan tool to do the bleed procedure?
Sounds like a whole bunch of necessary business was not followed here I mean this is just typical when the thought processes aren't in the automotive industry. So these things can happen when the pieces were installed way back when they were new they had to be ordered and rounded up by the VIN number of the car which may or may not have been done and then once they were installed bleeding and linear valve offset at minimum needed to be happening so it seems like a whole lot of things here haven't happened and now at the end of the day we're back to trying to bleed the brakes and set the linear valve offset but we don't know with what type of equipment and then this takes 40 posts to get well pretty much no information and people get tired of reading my mess very cool
Hi Folks, thanks for your replies.Parts were ordered by VIN no. and was also installed by toyota dealership. Am planning to take the car to dealership. Just difficult to drive with jammed brakes, hence was trying to pick brains of experts from here. Will be towing it to dealership.
I would not delay taking it back to the Toyota dealer. If their repair warranty has expired, try escalating to Toyota Corporate assuming the dealer actually provided the parts and installed them. Corporate sometimes will pay for a good will repair in cases like this.