My Toyota auris 1.8 gen 3 hybrid . Has done 220k miles on it now .. it's at the point where the head gasket is slightly leaking . The traction batt is at 50 percent capacity.. I'm thinking of ways to easily nod her up rather than buy a new one at 40k !! I'm thinking of adding a 10kwh battery pack lithium from a mitsi outlander phev and modding the battery pack ECU.. So I'm thinking .. The battery ECU tells the hybrid ECU the state of charge and this is done via cell voltage and current in and out .. So the battery ECU is programmed to see a 2kwh battery . So I'm thinking of a simple mod .. a partial current bypass on the current sensor in the battery pack .. So just putting a small conductor bypassing the current sensor will lower the current reading into the battery .. thus making the battery ECU believe less current is going in that what's actually going in. So has anyone tried this .. simply bypassing (partially) the current sensor inside the pack ?
Mendel sorry I just meant when the car was newer I had these ideas but was too afraid to try them .. but now the head is going and it has so many miles on it, it's not not so precious anymore so I don't mind playing with it a bit more. As it was a nice car but now a bit of a scrap heap challenge sort of thing .. so I was thinking as the gen 3 doesn't like a current difference of more than 17 amps .. what about modding the 3 phase current sensors in the inverter by bypassing them with say 1/4 to 1/2 the CSA of the conductor passing the sensors to trick the sensors and also doing the same to the battery ECU so that they match .. this should in theory boost current to the motors. Also boost regen and boost electric drive torque . Too much will overload the igbts in the in inverter.. with this mod I'd also like to increase the battery to the correct level otherwise the stock battery risks being over and under charged . Not sure how the voltage levels will affect the socket calculation.. in this case I was thinking of having two spoof voltages . One for elec drive node and one for regen node operable on a switch on the dash.. anyone tried this and how was the results . I have to do my head gasket at some point soon .. in the garden .. fun times lol