Anyone have one? Any recommended. Or other helpful comments. If I am spending $100 to $200 USD, figure getting one that does more than cars.
I didn't spend $100-200 on mine. If you want to go cheap and go with one that connect to a phone rather than have dedicated screen, you can get great resolution and clear images without spending much. I think I paid less than $30 on mine. See review below. I think the particular model I got maybe discontinued, but similar one linked from the review article below is a newer models on Amazon. Depstech 86T-5M review | Digital Camera World Used for, car, drain pipe, rat nest, and a few other occasions. Side view attachment made it great for seeing surrounding areas. But I would pay a bit more and get a dual lens one now they are readily available like this one. Dual-lens WiFi HD Endoscope Camera - DEPSTECH WF028 Look for the same one in Amazon for sale for $44 now.
I was so pleased with one Depstech that I bought another. One thing that didn't please me was the need for a dedicated app. The hardware presents itself as a standard UVC video source, and if I plug it into a Linux desktop, it gets claimed as a video4linux device and is available to select as an input in any app I already have around that handles video. But that doesn't happen on Android, and Depstech points you to a special app of their own to download in order to use it. More recently, I did discover an open-source Android app called UVC_Camera, which is able to work with the Depstech (and, presumably, other UVC video devices). The app is still quite rough: it can query the camera for the available settings, and you kind of have to choose among those until you start seeing pictures. A colleague of mine called it true plug and play: you plug it in, then you play with it until it works.
Have 11 long guns I just inherited and four of them date back to around the late 1800s to early 1900s. The others are 1920s to 1950s. Thought it would be prudent as local gunshop wanted $50 to do it....reasonable, but I thought about other uses for a when wifey wanted a hole drilled in bathroom wall "right here", where I was nearly positive there was water supply line. There was not, but I was gritting my teeth... And, the dryer vent, and the living room vent where I believe a whole colony of detritus dwells. Anyway, just purchased: Triple Lens 1080p Borescope Inspection Camera with 5" IPS Screen, 10 L– DEPSTECH With various coupons and prayers to the north, got it for $86 USD, including overnight shipping. I may not use it much, but I have been pretty darn frugal for 60 years and figure I deserve a retirement present, since no one else got me one. UPDATE: This is a pretty cool toy(?). Just scoped a rifle barrel, a shower drain and the "back behind" of my Toyota engine where I was sure I had lost a small wrench...did not see it, but the quality of the pictures are amazing.