I'm not calling it by its childish name. V12.5.4 was pushed to my 2021 Model 3 last evening so I went to an empty parking lot to give it a go. Worked correctly but not sure if it's something I would use in a busy parking lot, maybe unless it's pouring hard and everyone is waiting by the door.
Yeah it's not something you would actually buy a car for. I noticed there's a much less sporty looking but super fast ionic 5 that can beat model 3 Performance in the ΒΌ mile. That is something people might buy a car for.
With V12.4.3 (the previous version) on Wednesday, I let the car start from park from the SuperChargers: Unplug Enter destination Shift to "D" Tap stalk enable Since I need to drive to a new rifle range, I'll see how it handles starting from my driveway. For luck, I'll enable and connect WiFi from my 5G phone in case my download number comes up on the trip. Bob Wilson
With the previous version, when going to see my parents at their retirement home, I park where there is a large water puddle after a rain (it stays there a few days). I park ahead of it, get out, and let the car move to its place. When leaving, I back up the car remotely, get in then drive away. I like to park there because it's the closest to the entrance and it's large enough that no one parks beside me on both side.
And plenty of humans turn those off, think DLRs are head lights, and driver around without taillights in the dark.
I don't know about "public places" but the vehicle will stop before reaching a "public road". It can only "autonomously" drive in private parking lots and driveways. I've quoted "autonomously" because you still have to hold the "Come to me" or "Go to target" button pressed. As soon as you let it go, the vehicle stops.
and the rain. And are oblivious to people blinking their light at them to remind them to turn the visibility up for their own safety and ours.
Drove about 60 miles around town on 12.5.4: one manual override - the lane was ending but the car did not switch to the correct lane and got closer than I care to the right edge line and barrier: Next time, I'll signal "change lane" early and there won't be a problem. three "goose" the accelerator - one right turn on red and two four way stops including one where the car on the right wanted us to go. one new traffic marker - a formerly left or straight lane has a new mini-curb making it a forced left merge. So I got to take a scenic detour and exciting lane merge (see above). All in all, a very pleasant ride with "no hands" most of the time. I had to pull out of my parking spot but then engaged Full Self Driving and the car did the rest including exiting the parking lot. The "eyes on road" nag is more sensible (i.e., less strict) and works even wearing sunglasses. It handled drizzle brilliantly. Once I turned off "Auto Speed", adjusting the cruise speed for traffic conditions worked great and it always started from the local speed limit. Lane changes in traffic were superb and well in advance of the actual exit lane or intersection. Traffic distances were spot on. I may have to reconsider using the BMW i3-REx for urban errands. Bob Wilson
would it pick up a 'lane closed ahead' sign? i hate when people wait, passing everyone and pulling in at the last second.
That's what you are supposed to do; make use of the still open lane. Everyone merging over upon seeing the lane closed sign causes the back up to extend further down the road.
Says the years of experience of observing the traffic flow around the lane closures. The signs are placed to give people plenty of time to prepare themselves for the upcoming closure. Go ahead if you want to leave the closed lane sooner. Just don't get annoyed at the people that pass you using the still legally open lane length.