My Prius ownership has been made more enjoyable and easy thanks to you all. Sharing information, experiences in repairs, sources for parts has helped and saved money. My kids also benefitted from this forum as I took on repairs that helped their cars. But it is time to move on, the driveway will be prius free this week and I suspect the kids(at least one) will be in a different car soon. I have tried to share my knowledge with all, and hope it was a benefit to at least some. Finding another car was a long journey but I really wanted something with a manual transmission again. I tried to find a hybrid but none that I drove fit the bill. I was set on finding a civic si, but in the search found something I never considered but had to have. Someone was selling a mostly complete but no longer desired MGB with a monster engine swap. No it won't get great mileage but the giggle factor is huge. So farewell and happy, safe travels.
We drove them GS since the 1957 TD with no doors wonderful cars to own a lot of head problems gas getting problems I remember twisting copper strips to run down along in between the head studs or the head bolts to put the heads back on this is way before the days of the Fel-Pro PT series of gasket British Leyland cars were a scream to work on we learned a lot of Austin Healey sprites 3000s and the like my Dad loved them but he couldn't operate a screwdriver correctly military officer and all that you know wonderful times ahead buddy enjoy.
Well the motor is a pontiac 3.9, and not a bit of british wiring in the whole car. So maintenance is no longer a concern. Burning up back tires is!
Was that the same thing as the what is it 3.8 Buick motor that ultra reliable V6 that anybody can work on basically yeah that's a pretty cool motor
As a kid growin up. so many times with Healey 3k's, MG's - sptifires, B's,. GT's. Sumbeam Tiger, was jealous of so many older people with more money that had cars while I thumbed it around. I painted a classmates 65 MGB metallic blue in his partents garage, was 16 I think. A couple years older neighbor 15 houses down the road had his dad help him swap into a Healey 3k a 327 chevy small block, had to move the firewall back to squeexze it in there. Got a ride out of FL up north with a dude and his spitefire, left me drive throw SC, NC into VA in a heavy rain on i95. Passing trucks was like getting tubed surfing, going under the spray off the truck tires and coming out the other end. I remember him saying he was a little scared, but he was sleeping most of the time while I was driving. Cigs were still $3 a carton all though the s carolina. One of the mechanics that worked at the body shop I had summer jobs in had a topless spitefire and s Superglide.1200 raked hog he'd drive the spitefire to work in the rain wearing hos raincoat onr of the shop owners had a Tiger for a while basically a Sunbeam Alpine with a ford 289 it was actaully an OEM model go figure can't remember exact like but think it was painted spiderwebed.
In another decade or two it will be way more affordable / way more options to convert this to an EV, so take good care of it!
I wish I still had my 1968 Austin Healey Sprite. 1.3 L engine with 65hp. Frequent adjustments and adding oil in SU carburetor. Good times!
Well I am back. The MG is running great, scary fast, I could drive all day with no more than 1/4 throttle and still be fastest off a light. About 1000 miles on it this summer and a list of stuff to do to it over the winter. But a month ago my son bought a new suby and gave me his 06 Prius. Rear ABS sensor dead, gas venting system CEL and 250K miles. But it runs as well or better than my old one(s) so I will fix and keep it. The difference between the prius and the MG makes me want to keep the old hybrid, it is just so comfortable and easy to drive. For those of you into british car stuff, here is a shot of under the hood.
What's this a quad for conversion and an MG? We drove MG's for 30 years started with a TD or a TC the one with no doors like the Mercedes SSK had Austin Healey's sprites 3000s all that mess I had been through the head gasket problem with MG all the way through the late '70s rolling wire and all that stuff between the studs to try and seal that mess than the fel-Pro PT gasket came along for that application sealed them right up pretty much
It is a GM LZ9, 3.9 liter V6. Stock 242 HP. The torque curve is dead flat from 2K to 6. With a T5 5 speed. No lucas headaches, it has been completely rewired so only the stock switches are still there. Not a great pic, that is the fuel pressure gage. Seems to be a hot rodder thing to put one in the engine compartment. I hated british cars my whole automotive life but did penance by getting a $300 spitfire during COVID to keep me in the garage. Their engineering was quaint in those days. This car is aptly named futz and has earned it. Built then stored for a decade after only 500 miles. Lots of things to redo but the basic bones are very good.
The 3.9L V6 (3900) is the last version of the 2.8L "chevy" pushrod V6 from the 80's. No relation to the Buick engine. There was the 2.8 (iron head), 2.8 (Al head), 3.1, 3100, (3400 dohc), 3400, 3500, and 3900. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.