I'm looking to replace a 2012, and a Prime is in my consideration. I don't have an outlet near where I park, but the breaker box is right on the other side of the foundation wall, so I could easily get an electrician over to put in an outside outlet. My main concern is about rain: are there potential problems if it starts to rain and the Prius is plugged in? I know that outdoor outlets have those plastic covers that let keep a cord plugged in but running through slots in the bottom--though it can be really hard to keep that cover down while a heavy cord is plugged in, since the cord doesn't really bend sharply enough to keep the cover closed fully. But there's also where it's plugged into the car--is it really sealed against serious rain?
there are also outdoor units that you could hardwire, but i have a fairly large metal nema box with hinged cover that accepts the large 90 degree plug and wire.
I would probably just hang a 2x3 foot utility box there so you can roll-up the charging cable and lock everything up - especially if your gone on vacation or something. Vents and weep holes in the bottom of the box. Hope this helps....
Everything is sealed up and that's what that safety disconnect brick is for (part of the OEM charging plug). It's a GFCI for car chargers. FWIW: I park mine outside and it charges in the rain for the past 3 years. Only my charge handle and cord is exposed to the elements. Outlet and safety brick is sheltered; but I understand that the safety brick can be in a puddle and still function. I haven't tested that...
The connection to the car is safe. The other end of the OEM charge cord is what you want to protect from weather. The misses makes me cover the charge cord end that plugs into the car when it rains or snows and I guess she takes fore-granted that I protect the other end from weather. Used to work with a dude named Scott T a Smiths Point.