24 LE. Picked the car up Tuesday and it gives 3 turn signal blinks with light turn signal press. I’d like it to blink the turn signals 4 times with a light press. My 17 came with 3 blinks and I had to have the dealership hook it to their service computer to change it to 4 blinks. I can’t find anything about doing this in the 24 LE manual? Does anyone know how, or if, I can change this?
Do you know what it’s called in the computer? When I had it changed on my 17 I had to talk the tech through it because he was clueless.
Super useful, gonna get them to disable it in mine because when I cancel my turn signal manually sometimes i overdo it and trigger the temp flash. Makes it look like I don't know if I wanna go left or right lol
My scan tool allows me to customize this feature. I set mine at 5. Plus you can change the flasher volume. I set mine to max since I have hearing loss and don’t always wear my hearing aids Cheers
Carista allows you to change this and many other functions (changed my Venza to 5 flashes.) No dealer visit required.