Bought a 2017 Prius 3 new in early 2018 as my daily driver. We also had a 2015 Prius for the wife as a grocery getter. Bought the 2015 in 2018 as a lease return with 30k miles for $15k. Decided to go to one car when I decided to retire late spring. Have 5 motorcycles so one car is ok. Sold the 2015 to Carvana in April for exactly what I paid for it in 2018 with now 60k miles. I had been keeping an eye on the Gen 5 since it was released but understood the supply issues causing low availibiliy and stupid markups. Also no availability at all for the LE which I wanted. The wife only wants cloth interior…. The last few weeks two local dealers got a couple of white 2024 LE’s and I thought it might be the time to sell the 2017 which had 70k miles. I know, barely broken in…and had not cost me anything other than nornal maintenance. Just kinda getting tired of it after 7 years particuarly on longer road trips. Drove the 2024 LE and wasn’t sure I really liked it due to the same issues others have identified vs gen 4. But I really like the restyling. They were also not willing to negotiate the price at all. Tuesday I stopped by the other dealership and ended up buying their car. Southeast dealer with their stupid 1k of add ons (paint/interior protection, charging cables, screen protector, etc). Ended up paying 29.8k all in including tax with 18k trade and balance cash. Sticker was 30.8k so I ended up getting a 2k discount when you consider that the deal included 1k of state tax and title. The trade amount was in the middle of KBB value. Also got to put 7k on a credit card for the 3% cash back. I’ll pay that when the next bill is due. Told them I was buying no add ons and the f&i guy would not quit pitching crap to me so finally had to tell him if he tried to pitch me anything else I was walking out. I hate that part of buying a new car! Lot smaller console cubby and no sunglasses drop down holder. Everything else is an upgrade over the 2017. Drove it 30 miles the first day and mileage was 73 so better than the 2017. Windows getting tinted and new dashcam installed next week. Going to keep this one at least 10 years.