My new sodium-ion GT hybrid battery was being prepped for shipping yesterday and will be here today. This is the production version and is injection moulded not 3D printed like prototypes. Toyota hybrid battery upgrade pack– NexPower Energy So excited to install it and will also be upgrading the voltage sense harness with one from Check them out and if you need to grab one use code "azusa" to save 10% OFF at Stay tuned for installation pictures!!!
YMMV and it all depends on the condition of your Prius components and load weight. For a stock Prius with age that is not getting 50 mpg it should bring it back to that but like I said it depends on the condition of the ICE or even down to the catalytic coverter and exhaust. Even to driving habits of the owner... This is new battery tech so I will keep an eye on the differences between it and the Lithium version. All in all this weighs less than an OEM or other aftermarket battery and this GT version has really low IR and the new honey comb module design keeps the temperatures right where it is best to achieve maximum power output from the HV battery system.
Tuning in - wish I could get 185 to 190 fully charged volts worth from Jack for my Gen2 civic to replace it's aging (132 - D cell) NiMH pack..
All done and installed now and I made a mistake and meant to say this is a 3d printed version and not a production version which will be injection moulded. New voltage sense harness is awesome and better quality all around, the OEM tabs bend so easy compared to the AcenBay version, thicker wires and better design protection at the tabs. Took it for a test drive and all is good.
it's the driving habits of the owner... Averaging 47.3 mpg with my non hybrid corolla I got a fully optimized route i take commuting to and from work also can time the traffic lights to hit every single green unless some goof off presses the walk button then my timing is completely thrown off.. takes about 10min more but save quite a bit of gas 31-34mpg (taking the everyman route) to 47mpg (fully optimized route)is a big jump and worth it
Yes the driver habits have a lot to do with fuel savings, if you are heavy footed you will waste a lot of fuel. Best to pay attention to the RPM and the lower the better at all times. Choosing better driving routes is excellent. There are options in google maps or waze, when you select your vehicle as a hybrid or EV it will choose routes with less inclines and flatter roads.