My multi function display went out while driving randomly a few months ago and has not worked since. I thought it went bad so I took it out to begin looking for a replacement. I then recently discovered that some of the buttons do not work on the steering wheel. The horn and cruise control still work fine. Does this sound like a bad clock spring? I hate to go to all that trouble to replace but cannot think of what else it could be. All fuses are good.
The MFD just went out one day. I then noticed the buttons on the right side of the steering wheel (temp controls, display, and trip) were not working. I am not sure if the ones on the left (volume up/down, mode, and up/down) are working because they all control the MFD which I took out. The horn still blows. I checked all of the fuses. Replacing the MFD (this is the JBL) is very expensive so I want to make sure before I go and buy a replacement. I appreciate the responses.
Does your car have the "touch tracer" feature (little images of the steering wheel buttons float over the speedometer when you are touching them)? When it works, I mean. If so, take a look at this post.
Yes, it does have the "touch tracer" feature and was working before. I need to figure out if it's the MFD and the clock spring or if it's one thing messing up both. I looked at the post you linked and have heard that you need to be careful with aftermarket radios which is why I really don't want to go that route. I was hoping it was just the clock spring and I could reinstall the MFD and everything works.
The main relevant point in the post I linked was that if you have taken your MFD out of the car, you have unplugged the ground connection for the steering wheel switches, so naturally they are not going to work.
Ah, okay. That makes sense now. Tells me that it is in fact the MFD and likely not the clock spring. Do you happen to have any recommendations on getting it repaired vs replacing? Not sure anyone will repair something that is 12 years old. I have seen them used on eBay but they are not cheap. I know and after market unit likely won't pair well which goes to your point in the linked post and needing to make modifications, alternative wiring harness, etc.
Well, whatever problem you originally had that made you want to take the MFD out, that may be in fact the MFD. The steering wheel switches aren't working right now just because you took the MFD out. Can't blame the MFD for that. One of its connectors supplies the ground for the wheel switches, so if you unplug it, they don't work.
The MFD is not working at all. I just went dark one day while driving. Looks like I'll need to repair or replace. Thank you again!
That could be a practical way to get the switches back while waiting for a replacement MFD to arrive. Then it's quick to just swap the MFDs. If the plan is to get this MFD repaired instead, it might be necessary to do without the switches for a bit. Or run a temporary ground wire for them until the MFD is fixed.
I can deal without the steering wheel controls, no problem. It's repairing/replacing the MFD that I am struggling with. Do I gamble and buy a used one on eBay? Do I find somewhere to repair it? Do I upgrade to something else and then hope everything works as it should?