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HV battery thoughts for a newbie please

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by DarylSomers, Dec 1, 2021.

  1. DarylSomers

    DarylSomers Junior Member

    Dec 1, 2021
    Melbourne, Australia
    2008 Prius
    Firstly it's been amazing having this wealth of knowledge available over the years, so thanks to all you regular contributors who provide all us lurkers with so much free advice.

    I got alot of good info from reading about uart's experiences here: My HV battery replacement experience - Australia. | PriusChat

    I'd like to get people's thoughts on whether I have a dying HV battery on my hands. If so that's fine, we knew when we bought the old girl that we'd need to put money aside in a battery replacement fund for when the time came. Just want to make sure I'm not putting the cart before the horse. Don't want to go running to a dealer for a new battery pack if it's not necessary. And I'd rather shell out an extra $1500AUD to get the OEM battery pack than try buggering around with a refurbishment, and yes I know it's really easy to fit it yourself but I'm prone to stuffing up anything vaguely mechanical, so I will begrudgingly pay the dealership labour rates just to not worry about it.

    The background:
    • 2008 Gen 2 Prius
    • 330,000 km (or 205,000mi), still on original HV battery.
    • 2nd owner, we bought her in 2018. Original owner was a mechanic who took good care of her. Sadly we haven't been as careful. She does get serviced every 6 months and our mechanic consistently says she's in great mechanical order for her age, but he's no expert on hybrids. Neither am I.
    • Australian climate, no garage or carport so the poor thing cops full sun in summer. We crack the windows and put on an external windscreen shade when we can, but it's still seen some serious heat over the years.
    • Daily city commuter until 2020, since then it's been mostly used for shorter trips, would sometimes be a few days in a row of not being used. However for the past 3 months we've been living in the country and doing mostly very short drives on bumpy potholed roads to the neighbours, and the occasional long highway drive to the city.
    • We love her. She's safe, roomy, comfortable, cheap to run. She might look like hell but we'll happily replace the HV battery if we need to, not going to find a more reliable car for the $3000 AUD it would cost. Here she is now (if you think the side panel damage is bad, wait until you see the roof and spoiler, it's a clearcoat massacre. Alternatively, ignore it like we do and just admire her for the trusty family car she is):

    The problem:
    • For about the past 8 or 9 months the SOC/battery levels have been gradually getting more temperamental (discharging and charging faster). This has been much more noticeable in the last 3 or 4 months. Often I'll start the car and it'll be on purple bars, and then within a minute or two of driving it will be up to green bars. A year ago it was on blue 90% of the time, now it's probably split equally across purple, blue and green.
    • It feels like the combustion engine is working harder than it used to. I see it coming on way more often now on the MFD than it did a year ago.
    • Fuel efficiency (MPG) has not changed though. The average has always hovered around 5.3-5.4L/100km (43.5MPG) for more than a year, and that hasn't changed. Also watching the yellow bars on the MFD, it doesn't look to behave differently to a year ago.
    • Might be unrelated, but a week ago while doing a tight turn on a highway off-ramp, the red triangle of death light came on for a split second and then disappeared. I searched PriusChat and the consensus seemed to be that it was probably low on oil. Dipstick seemed to show it was very low (my bad for rarely checking it) so I topped it up. Hasn't come back on since. It sounds like it might be consuming more oil if the combustion engine is working harder to make up for a dying HV battery?
    The big question:
    • We could keep driving it as-is, until the great red triangle of death comes up and throws a code, and then we know for sure it's time to replace the battery pack. If we do this, are we damaging the combustion engine by continuing to drive it now? And if we know we'll have to replace the battery pack in the next 6-12 months anyway, should we just bite the bullet and do it now?

    Just want to know if there's any reason we shouldn't go and get the battery pack replaced (ie if this sounds like a typical 12v battery problem instead).

    Thanks all.
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base

    it is likely that letting the engine get low has simply accelerated an already existing oil burning issue, very common to gen 2 prius.
    you can keep driving it, but there's no telling how much longer the battery will last, so i would start preparing for replacement, shopping prices and service centers, etc.
    it won't hurt the engine, as long as you keep your eye on the oil level, and that is true even after you replace the battery.

    all the best!(y)
  3. nancytheprius

    nancytheprius Active Member

    Oct 25, 2020
    2006 Prius
    This is the approach that most people take (waiting til codes are thrown) and their priuses still last many miles after hv battery replacement if taken care of of course
  4. DarylSomers

    DarylSomers Junior Member

    Dec 1, 2021
    Melbourne, Australia
    2008 Prius
    Thanks bisco & nancy for the responses! That's the reassurance I was hoping for.
  5. sam spade 2

    sam spade 2 Senior Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    2017 Prius c
    More likely that it is consuming more oil just because it is getting OLD.....and the design of that particular engine.
    SO.....given that, it is a tough call whether or not it is really a good idea to invest in a new HV battery when the engine might be on the way out. Not something that I would be doing.

    You REALLY need to be checking the oil frequently to get a handle on what the actual usage IS.
  6. mr_guy_mann

    mr_guy_mann Senior Member

    Sep 3, 2020
    2006 Prius
    Is this your only car? Budgeting and decisions are better made when there isn't a lot of time induced stress involved. Having your only car break down in some random location can be stressful. Usually a weak battery will first throw a P0A80 "replace weak battery" code- but not always.

    If you want you can get the Dr Prius app and a compatible bluetooth OBD2 adapter to monitor the HV battery (and read or clear battery codes). Get the paid version and the app will perform a "life expectancy" test - which is really an approximate capacity test.

    Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
  7. Frank1956

    Frank1956 Junior Member

    May 28, 2021
    Brisbane, Australia
    2007 Prius
    No reason not to change it.
    My 2007 which I have owned since 2008 (only 140,000 kms) had all the same symptoms eg. short charge/ discharge times , no EV mode time, rough running feel, higher fuel use. As I wish to keep it for a few more years and did not want failures with my family driving the old girl. I currently had the time and money so I bought the new cell kit from a local dealer in Brisbane ( AU $2430. Less a $500 credit when I returned the old cells) Being an electrician helped but it still took a full day to do.
    Within a week I noticed it is smoother to drive, EV mode works like I had forgotten it could and my fuel use dropped from around 5.6 to 4.7 - worth every cent, even if you pay for installation, provided you plan on keeping it.
    Apart from 3 x 12volt batteries and tyres, it has been a cheap car to run. Still original brakes.
    Hope this helps,
    Cheers, Frank
  8. sam spade 2

    sam spade 2 Senior Member

    Mar 31, 2018
    2017 Prius c
    Maybe, maybe not.
    I agree with your assessment ONLY if there are absolutely NO other known problems with the car and no "clues" that any major problems are developing.......like greatly increased oil usage just as an example.
  9. DarylSomers

    DarylSomers Junior Member

    Dec 1, 2021
    Melbourne, Australia
    2008 Prius
    Ah beaut, loving all the responses. Thanks heaps sam spade 2, mr_guy_mann and Frank1956.

    Sam- Good points. I've now started checking the oil levels every few days and taking a photo to track the rate of consumption. You're right, she is old, but aside from the recent oil consumption issue she's never had any other problems (since we've had her anyway). She has a solid service history too.

    Mr Guy- Yep it's our only car, agree that we should figure this out now before a real problem starts.

    Frank- I'm inclined to agree with you. She's been really cheap to run, no mechanical issues to date. We're not looking to upgrade to another car (the plan is once our kids are at school-age we could ditch car ownership altogether. We'd get an electric cargo bike and subscribe to a carshare service- much cheaper than rego, servicing etc). So it suits our timeline pretty well to just keep this one running for a few more years.

    We actually got her serviced yesterday (prompted by our toddler ripping the rear view mirror off the windshield, but she was due for one anyway), mechanic said she looks all good, just needs a new drive belt and apparently the exhaust needs replacing.
    Frank1956 likes this.
  10. DarylSomers

    DarylSomers Junior Member

    Dec 1, 2021
    Melbourne, Australia
    2008 Prius
    Hello folks,
    Long time no speak. Hoping to get some time-sensitive advice from anyone who might still be getting notifications about this thread. I've posted a new thread but am waiting for the mods to clear it, so posting here too.
    Car is now at 360000km and still on original HV battery, no major work since my last post in 2021 back in the depths of covid...
    Fast forward to today: My wife took our eldest to a theme park out Geelong way this morning, about an hour's drive from home (Melbourne). She just called to say that as they pulled up, the master watching light (red exclamation mark triangle of death) and hybrid system warning light (red car outline with exclamation mark on the screen). No other warning lights. Turned engine off and on again, same two warning lights appeared. Tried driving around the carpark, didn't feel any different but at low speed hard to tell if it's in limp mode. Watched the battery levels on the display screen but they stayed static on blue (not the crazy jumping from full to empty you hear about with bad HV cells).

    We always knew the day might come when the HV battery dies, so as you guys have recommended we've put savings away to pay for that, and gotten quotes for the replacement by dealer (was about $2000 from Toyota Kilmore). A bit redundant now that we're back in the big smoke. Anyway, my plan is to take it to the closet dealer half an hour away on the highway (34km, or 21 miles for you yanks) in Geelong, and get them to look at it when they open tomorrow. Assuming it's the worst and we're up for the new HV battery, still think it's worth the $2000 given the car seems fine otherwise despite its age (body work has gone to hell though after we lost most of the front bumper to a roo).

    Question is: is it safe to drive it 34km with those warning lights on? I don't have a scanner or DrPrius, so can't do any proper diagnosis of the problem. I've seen posts saying people often disconnect the 12v battery to clear warning lights and then keep driving short distances as needed, if that's the norm then I should be fine, right?

    Ideally we'd drive it home (87km) and get it looked at here in Melbourne, but don't want to push my luck any further than I have to.

    Appreciate the assistance folks!

    Attached Files:

  11. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    I've heard of people doing that too, but I would hate to suggest it's somehow "the norm".

    How good or bad an idea it is comes completely down to which of the couple hundred reasons for those lights to be on happens to apply in your case. That's determined by getting the trouble codes with a scan tool, so the chief obstacle here is that you haven't got one of those to learn the trouble codes. If there's no easy way to get your hands on one, then clear, drive, and pray might be what you end up doing by necessity, but that's not quite the same as being the norm.
  12. DarylSomers

    DarylSomers Junior Member

    Dec 1, 2021
    Melbourne, Australia
    2008 Prius
    Thanks Chapman, turns out it was the inverter cooler (or pump?) that was the issue. Part and labour $700 AUD by the dealership. Chances it by driving the 34km, got lucky I guess!
    bisco and Brian1954 like this.