I have a junker/wrecked parts-gen2Prius in my backyard had around 250K miles before accident. In total I have 3 of them (2 working + the wrecked one). I'd like to get rid of the junker as I'd like to clean up around the house tbh. I made a thread about 2 years ago asking what to pull...everything mentioned by you guys has been pulled (headlights, dash, mainscreen, HV battery, etc.) Currently my dog is always sticking her nose by the car, so I'm pretty sure there is a family of mammals living under there. Moisture has also created a lot of mold in the interior...so that's all trashed too. Really only thing left is whatever is under the hood. How should I go about doing this? is it even possible without some kind of lift (meaning ...can I take the engine out & apart piece by piece) OR should I hire help and pull the engine out OR should I just get rid of it altogether (Prius engines are relatively cheap). Other than the brake-actuator not sure if its worth the hassle. Thoughts? EDIT: called salvage yards and if all the valuable parts are pulled they pay by weight (roughly $100 per ton). Gen 2 Prius weight is roughly 2900lbs so at most I'd be getting a few hundred dollars out minus their tow-fee so only a couple of hundred bucks.
Oh that's no problem You just jacked that baby up put some kind of a cradle under it you can stack 6x6 beams whatever trips your trigger You're not really going to get under there very much. There are a few bolts that hold the whole subframe to the frame of the car when they come out the engine is coming down with the transmission so you need to have the drive axles out or you can undo the strut tops leave the wheels on and all that business put a tall jack under the car or some stands and some wood blocks Make sure the jack is able to keep the mess compressed and you can blast out the bolts without even being under the car to be honest about your arm will be but you'll get that out of the way and let go of the gun if something goes amiss I promise you so you might crush your DeWalt 1/2-in gun probably won't hurt it and then you'll come to the jack and you'll let the mess down and then use a pry bar to lift up on one side of the assembly you just dropped on the ground so you can pull your jack out and then there you have it the engine and transmission strut tops complete units hubs wheels attached and all or sitting on the ground flat ready for you to separate the engine and transmission remove intakes and exhaust whatever you want to take off drive axles hubs it's all right there for the taking You're staring at it this is like 2 hours worth of work generally speaking without special equipment If you have a ganyard setup which is like a swing set frame and a come-along attached I have an electric hoist attached You just put that up over the car pick up the front end where you want it put the 6x6s under it. Now set the car down to move the ganyard cable from your setup attach it to the engine hoist points lift up until the cables tight now you can freely get under the car blast the bolts loose undo whatever you want then get out from under all of that and push the button and let the motor subframe complete assembly right down as you like.
Thank you for the reply I don't have any access to the tools but I'd like to do it myself... BUT...is it even worth it?
It’s not worth it unless you have the right tools and a lift. By the time you bought the tools you might recoup their cost. Even then you would be selling parts of unknown function which might cost you return shipping fees and aggravation. One shop I know does strip them all the way to a bare metal unibody and has a warehouse full of parts. He gets his money back with the cat sale and everything else is gravy. He has spares to replace bad parts. Another shop simply keeps the cars in his parking lot and pulls parts as he needs them. He grabs the cat first after losing a few to bandits. You might try listing certain parts locally and treat it like a pick and pull. I would pull the parts I might need for my own cars (minus the complete engine) and call the tow truck.
That's why mine My one spare car just sits in the yard over in the corner where you can't see it hood on it engine covered running perfectly when it's connected to stuff and I may use it I may not who knows but I have it and it's not costing me anything.
actually someone wanted to buy a part for $100 that he would pull. I thought better of it though because once he knew where I lived what's to stop him from pulling a part whenever he wanted for free? guys who frequent salvage yards aren't known for their ethics.
Interesting analogy for sure. Well I have a next door neighbor so somebody could come out here and pick their part and take it off no problem no one's ever asked. But I got a neighbor that's home 24/7 man before you can get up the driveway he'd be calling and ask him and Tom that guy's back with the green car whatever the heck and so on But no I don't notice people buying salvage parts and all that to be too much lacking in the ethics department actually I find it more funny the people on the marketplace our peers that are trying to rip off folks left and right it is hysterical I mean you call these people up and ask them about something and then block you and tell you you're some kind of a murderer or rapist or some crazy off the wall nonsense because you asked them what happened to the left side of the car in the picture literally It is that crazy It is comical it's just something else.
Why steal a part and risk jail or getting shot when the parts are cheap on the big salvage yard in the cloud known as eBay. Of course I would not leave a gen2 cat out there with the crazed methheads willing to die for another hit.
well, where I live at least...guys steal all kinds of stuff from salvage yards all day, every day. cameras everywhere panning the yard during business hours. lotsa people who don't speak english who play dumb when confronted about whatever they have....many seem to think car-parts are buy 1 get 8 free. all kinds of scams. I do not know, maybe where you live they have people who do christmas caroling and fundraisers but not the ones near me. BTW: I suggest you google the term "Junkyard Dog" is you somehow don't believe or unaware that UNethical behaviour in a salvage yard is a real thing...maybe you think junkyards have side-businesses and keep dogs around for "petting zoos" though.
I just pulled the motor out of one from the top in thr parking lot of a park and ride.. about to install replacement motor now. Only special tool I'd think you need is a cherry picker.
I use an A-frame made of 4x4s and swing set brackets the green brackets you buy online this makes a ganyard frame basically on the 4x6 that grows across from bracket to bracket to the A-frame legs is an electric hoist I bought for like $200 I can break this thing down and carry it and put it over a car in about I don't know 30 minutes and then plug it to a generator or an outlet and hoist the engine up push the car back slide the new car forward set it in the other car whatever I'm doing It's very quick dragging a cherry picker around is just about as labor intensive The swing set frame or ganyard frame. With the electric motor's a pretty cool setup It fits in my trailer It's about as convenient as the cherry picker which if you don't have a way to move that around easily it's quite heavy
Not sure if I should feel insulted or not, but strictly speaking, I am not a guy and a lot of the guys I interact with at the yards are very nice and helpful. Kris
Banks, too, take a lot of measures for security, recognizing that there are people tempted to take the stuff that they have. Is the proper lesson to take from that, "guys who frequent banks aren't known for their ethics"? (I won't take it personally ... I frequent a credit union.)
Thoughts on using a shop crane... My son has this shop crane (except all black): 2 Ton-Capacity Foldable Shop Crane The tops of the forward legs are about 7" off the ground with the wheels on. We have never had the need to use it on the Prius, but have talked about it, and we're pretty sure the car's front wheels would need to be on at least 1" of wood to have enough clearance to roll the crane legs underneath. The crane wheels do come off though, and it would definitely clear the car's bottom without them. Wouldn't be too hard to slide it under on a smooth surface. Might be a PITA on an uneven mushy surface, like in a dirt lot. Sliding it out with the motor dangling and no wheels could be challenging. As Tombuk2 said above, roll the car in that case, not the motor.
I have a cherry picker almost exactly as this mine's never been folded and has the original casters on it and it won't go under the Prius sitting on the ground both of the pieces won't make it usually when I'm pulling an engine out I put the car on jack stands on the lowest setting just to get it up in the air etc then the legs can go under and everything works out okay I just replaced the hydraulic cylinder on mine with one from the manufacturer torrin. Like 6 weeks ago Just put it back together works great I don't do a lot of engine changes so I haven't used it a lot but it works well I also have an A-frame ganyard affair looking thing with an electric winch on a 4x6 cross beam which should be able to lift about 6,000 lb.