ok so i found Toyota Techstream 9.10.037 version available for download (torrent) and i was going to buy a Mini VCI Techstream V17 J2534 Diagnostic OBD2 Scanner Cable from Ebay. Does anyone know if ill have compatibility issues ? or does the ebay listing come with the software already? im a little confused with the description maybe someone can help. Here is the link to the cable : https://www.ebay.com/itm/364758693048?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=prn5kd74qmw&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=NYWmuEy1Q6W&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY I just want to keep my prius for a long time and i figure this is the best way to diagnose my self. I originally had an issue with my MPH displaying 0 when i was driving , also my trip A and Trip B were still at 0 when i have been driving it around. I recently got it back from the mechanic after like 2 tows{they couldnt find the problem), so that could have caused some damage maybe. but I had a mobile mechanic come and he took my OEM hybrid Battery and gave me one of his while he balances and trickle charges mine. My original problem is that i ran out of gas and it was displaying check hybrid system. . Before i go buying speed sensors and ABS sensors parts i want to Get tech stream running so i can see whats really going on and i wont have to pay $200 for someone to diagnose my Prius every time. Any helpful info would be appreciated thanks
There's a lot going on here. The 'check hybrid system' was likely the result of having no gas. Did you get a P3190 as well? The 'hybrid system' is a catch-all term that includes the engine. Hopefully that wasn't the only reason for swapping the battery. Is it possible you ran out of gas because your gauge isn't working correctly? Is it possible it just happened again? Think about how much gas you put in after the first time running out and how many miles you have driven since then. Not sure about Techstream, but you can get a little blue OBD2 dongle for super cheap off amazon and use an app on your phone to read codes. I'd suggest posting a concise history of the car in order to get the best advice. The things that occurred in order, the codes, and any work done.
If you want you can also buy an a u t e l a p200 and have almost the capability of the Toyota TIS system so you may want to consider that as getting bootlegs and j cables and all of that sort of thing to behave and be really made to the proper standard seems to be very tricky or they want you to pay for it this AP200 thing does a really good job probably the best $58 you'll spend on car tools given the fact that Toyota's text software if you were getting it any kind of haphazardly legal way would cost you every bit of 500 plus dollars more like a thousand and then because you're not a Toyota dealer there would be subscriptions involved and all kinds of nonsense that would go on and on and on about like having another car loan from Toyota USA so it may be something to look into because it'll solve most of a Prius person's woes pretty quickly or at least gets you on the right page for $58 and no connectivity issues no stupidity none of the nonsense
What’s the miles on it, and has the EGR system (including intake manifold ever been cleaned. Keep your oil changes to 5k miles max will help too. Might just be a weak 12 volt battery, losing memories. Your fault, or?
I have no trouble downloading any of the hundred downloads that are available all the way from ancient versions to the latest they download no problem It's installing and making them work that's problematic and now with the AP200 able to bleed the brakes that was the main thing I really needed tech for and now this Bluetooth handheld wireless jobbie can do it so
Ok I got my hybrid battery back , I replaced the fuel pump with a part i got from the junk yard ,( only $55) that seems to have fixed the fuel gage problem. Now I just ran the codes on my obd2 reader just in case I was missing anything and I got an error code I'm thinking it's not a coincidence that I saw this code( picture attached) right after the mobile mechanic took My battery for a day :/ my prius has 212,000 miles on it .
And also I replaced the abs speed sensor on the right side which looked to be damaged . But still didn't fix my mph it's still saying 0 :/ any thoughts?
You need to do a better check on the hybrid battery. Maybe he just charged the battery. You need to do 3 discharges, and 4 charged to recondition the hybrid battery. I don't believe the abs speed sensor would effect your driving speed. There is a seperate sensor for that. Maybe the wired got chewed. I "think" it's on the transmission. But don't remember.
Try erasing the code and see if it comes back. If it's the first time you've had that code then yes, I doubt it's a coincidence.
Update guys , after replacing the ABS sensor on the front right and replacing the fuel pump , i get mph reading. I was actually on the way to the mechanic when it started to read again! lol No abs light, No brake light, No traction control light. Clean dashboard now. Now i cleared the P0A80 Code with my OBD2 scanner and it hasnt came back since , i asked the mobile mechanic and he said there should be lights on my dashboard if it was going bad, and that he didnt see anything on his techstream. So im really just going to assume that that code came up when he placed my battery back in? idk what do you guys think??
You might have another sensor bad. The codes don't normally just go away on there on. Could be a loose or chewed wire.
The latest carrista app. Is being touted as being able to do almost everything on our cars including TPMS relearn displaying all the TPMS sensor serial numbers and where they are on the car and all of that is available on this model but there's a monthly subscription. I might buy the stupid thing because it's cheap and just run the subscription when I want to do something to a another car that I just got and then use the AP200 to do my regular servicing without having to buy an extra TPMS tool or any of that nonsense The carista can do it but I have to pay for it monthly on the subscription I don't even know what the cost is but having the device and just activating the subscription for a month every few months or every year or two would probably be reasonable. The AP200 will bleed the brakes straight out of the box The 2500. Will not do any of this It is a cheap piece of junk that nobody should buy It's red and black The AP200 is white gets dirty if you look at it but who cares. The carista seems to be a little more capable but you have to pay a monthly fee I'm not willing to do that month after month just sitting here in a chair looking out the window I don't do enough work these days to warrant the subscription to something that is not used regularly but if I can just pay the subscription when I want to use it for a month fine The device is not very expensive like the AP200 because without its subscription and software it's pretty much worthless. The brake bleed feature in the AP200 looks exactly like the window in Toyota tech I've brought it up a couple of times but I haven't actually had to bleed the brakes I just wanted to see the window and make sure it wasn't pulling up some kind of funny nonsense and only able to partially bleed the brakes doesn't look like that I will bleed some Prius brakes in the next few weeks so I will get to run it through all of the screens but it looks like they're all there and they work in the AP200 which is like $54. No subscription seems to me like one of the better $54 you'll spend while owning vehicles similar to this.