Tonight, it really came home: Forums - reasonably focused on interesting content. Like having favorite FM radio stations, generally a good read. Facebook - family forums and selected groups, local content and specific to friends and family. Twitter/X - AM radio in a lightning and thunder storm. Supermarket tabloids have more credibility. Bob Wilson
I’m not familiar with fb or x, except what I see linked, which is usually click bait hype. When I look through reddit due to a link, it’s generally a lot of nonsense And they should have banned tictom years ago
I generally browse with JavaScript turned off. I have nothing against JavaScript as a programming language, I've written some programs in it myself, and I've nothing against other people writing as many programs in JavaScript as they want as long as they buy their own computers to run them on. I didn't buy mine to run their programs for them. There was a time when I could follow a Twitter link someone had sent me, and it would complain about me having JavaScript turned off, but say something like "you can view this tweet on Legacy Twitter" and with one extra click I could see what the tweet said. Then some years ago they took away that option, and I haven't seen a tweet since, and I don't feel any kind of hole in my life on that account. Facebook is pretty much the same way. There still are a few people who send me such links now and then, not remembering that I'll never see them.
Facebook facilitates social relationships with a wide audience, Twitter/X offers real-time updates and rapid conversations, and forums allow targeted debates with depth. Every platform fulfills a particular purpose and accommodates a range of communication preferences and styles.
a lot of small businesses and social organizations use facebook. i have been frustrated many times by the 'check us out on facebook' mantra, only to find out you have to sign up.
i Removed FB from my life awhile ago. No IG or X for me. Forums have a way to search right to the info I'm looking for. Life without Social media can be just fine. Social media has become like video games and porn and alcohol. know your limits and when to say when. IMHO
I tried to tell Marconi but he never listened. Atmospheric noise is a thing in radio. Lightning generates a LOT of radio frequency interference (RFI) and there are a LOT of lightning discharges. A WHOLE lot! Our planet’s external heat source also generates some significant hash - as seen by our sudden discovery that we have a magnetosphere and that the nuclear furnace has a not-quite-constant output. However (comma!) Anyone who plays with radios and lives in town KNOWS that most of the ‘noise’ out there is generated by HUMANS with our generators, internet, and solar panels. I have an account with ‘formerly known as’ but I don’t listen to it for the same reason that I do not listen to AM-jam in a thunderstorm. As an experienced electronics tech - I know how to reduce noise to an acceptable level without eliminating the signal.