So, this literally just happened about 5 minutes ago. Had the car in ready mode with the A/C on low set at about 70. I was on a call, and when it ended I heard a fast tapping noise. Like an alarm clock going off, but not ringing, tapping. And no, it was not that buzzer noise that I usually hear after shutting the car. Different. Anywho, I turned off the A/C thinking the noise might've been coming from a nearby truck, and I wanted to make sure. After turning the A/C off, the noise immediately stopped. Then... When I turned the A/C back on, it appeared dead, with no air coming out. And there was a semi-loud tapping noise again. No air was coming out of the vents at all, and even on the high setting at 65 it was silent as a mouse. I turned the car off and restarted it, but no dice. Then I waited about 3 or 4 minutes and tried turning the A/C on again, and it worked fine! Though, there was a low (but noticeable) buzzing noise upon it starting - which I've noticed before. This has NEVER happened to me in 2 years. Could this be a sign of something faulty that is on the fritz? I just had the inverter pump replaced 4 weeks ago, so I hope I don't have another repair bill staring me down soon.
Could be, and best to invest in a compatible OBD2 code reader to know for sure. Did you have any warning lights displayed on the dash? Never heard of an OEM pump failing in 4 weeks, but it would be covered under a dealership parts warranty for 1 year.