Hello. I have a 12v battery that I bought 2yrs ago for a small solar system project that I ended up not using... And my 200k miles Prius 2008 auxiliary battery is up for a replacement. Is this Gel/Solar system battery going to work as a replacement? Images are included. I thought I might use this battery instead of having it in my garbage unplugged for years. Thanks a lot.
Yes... If it fits in that spot it will actually be better quality than the ones auto shops sell because its more amp hours than those. Lots of us use these types of 55amp mobility / power supply batteris because they are abundant and near 1/3 the price.
What happens here is these type of UB batteries universal batteries that are used in alarms and buildings and so on and so forth are not rated for the vibration and what have you for mobile duty that doesn't matter to me either I use them too but I'm just saying that's where one of the things that goes on with these or that doesn't go on with these this may be a thing for some people I don't know I haven't had any problems with them I've run a few of them in motorcycles which the vibration would be a whole heck of a lot more than a car and then on top of that they're gel so even if they vibrate their cases loose The gel is pretty much not going anywhere then when it does you hose it off pull the battery out throw it away and drop in another one. But yes that should work no problem
Thanks a lot everyone. I will be installing it for now, and will wait and see if anyone has a different opinion on these. Now I just need a good adapter for the "teeth/poles" to install it. Thanks again everyone, really appreciate your time and inputs.
Connection to the posts will be tricky. Did you come up with that stack, trying to roughly replicate the spec'd battery post diameter? The stock cable clamps will only be contacting the corners of the nut and bolt. I wonder if there might be some sort of bolt-on post that replicates the skinny JIS "pencil" posts.
Keep in mind it would require some jerry rigging of the connectors. Your battery is about 230mm x 138mm x 211 mm the S46B24R AGM is 9" x 4.75" x 7.75" (230mm x 121mm x 196mm) You may be able to squeeze it in, but it's very likely the floor cover plate will no longer fit correctly. You'll end up with jerry rigged connectors and an improperly fitting floor, which could lead to small objects falling down into the battery area. Would hate to see something metallic slip in there. I've seen a (+) battery post get shorted to a car body and the wrench welded itself in position until it melted open like a fuse. Sparks and fire for everyone.
There is also the possibility of permanent retinal damage from looking at an arc like that. My sister and I both have blind spots in one eye from having observed electrical arcs. For her it was a failed heating element in a kitchen oven, for me it was a piece of equipment that shorted out at work. It only takes a fraction of a second for the damage to occur. Believe me, your eyes will snap shut very fast when that intense light hits - but just not fast enough.
Thanks a lot Mendel. I actually found a local battery shop that sorted this issue via molting (hot liquid lead) into ready shaped molds right onto the bolts. The resulted shape was identical to the old battery. Cost me ~$6 -The perks of living in a third world country hahaha-. Also on another note, I especially appreciate your help in this forum. I have learned a lot from your post on almost any question that I have looked on for. Wish you the best! -Amm Thanks a lot friend. You were actually right , the bottom was almost 1.5cm bigger than the old battery, but I was able to squeeze it in easily. Regarding the connectors/bolts, a local battery shop (molded?) ready shaped bolts via copper molds by pouring hot liquid lead. (more info in reply above). Thanks again friend! The battery top cover actually snapped in. Feeling VERY relieved to be honest as I am a novice at these sort of things. Thanks a lot.