Hey everyone, I'm swapping out my modules for the Nexcell lithium pack. I've cleaned the busbars, but my wire frame connections have a slight amount of oxidation, and I'm not sure how to clean them. I'd like to get a new frame but apparently that's not available for the gen 3. I'm thinking of just soaking the whole wire frame in vinegar, and perhaps using a toothbrush on the connections. Anyone see any issues with that? Should I dilute the vinegar. How long should I soak? I'm worried about the plastic. Thanks
They're the weakest link in the chain... Please support my buddy who invested big money in having 500 of these produced for Gen2 so he can stay in business and order the next batch for Gen3 too. It's half the price of the OEM version: Hybrid Battery Wire Harness for Gen 2 (2004-2009) Toyota Prius | ACENBAY If you send him a message about how you support his work he might send you a sample of his Gen3 prototype effort soon as its ready, which is likely about right now at this point.
This works for gen 3? He doesn't list one for gen 3, which is passing strange, as gen 3 is the one that you can't get OEM.
He's in the process of finalizing the order for gen3... His samples should be arriving soon. As you've said, they aren't available for Gen3 from Toyota, so coordinate arrival time with him and do your best to clean your existing one with this plan to replace it.
So this doesn't plug into the battery control module or battery ECU replacing the orange plug that gets nasty and the pins are messed up in the computer this is the white plug that goes somewhere else in that area right?
This is the orange plug that gets nasty and has failed pins. Toyota won't sell them as an individual part for Gen3. You have to buy a brand new pack to get that part.