Apparently not the first time. Toyota once again ranked as worst automaker on climate lobbying globally (
2024 forecasts more lightly to happen in 2030: BMW/Mercedes 70% BEV production? or Toyota 29% BEV production?
Well, Japanese car = gasoline car. It is interesting that the US is leading the list. However, they excluded China. Suzuki seems to be the last gasoline car in the 2030s. The Suzuki Samurai was notorious in the 1980s and 1990s.
That's their tie-up with Maruti speaking. They have a very big business selling the absolute cheapest things you could possibly call cars, so it's going to be a while before they can update their technology. 2024 Suzuki Maruti Swift. <$7,800 in its home market. 2024 Alto 800, $4,100 Those won't go electric for a while, unfortunately.
Because global warming caused by manmade carbon dioxide is a huge hoax....why push a hoax? When you have ZERO predictions come true in over 60 years, people should start to question the whole pile of crap!!!
This is primarily about lobbying, not EV ratio. Although plans for 2030 are shown. I don’t think Chinese companies lobby at all. I can also see how an independent analysis of lobbying in China would be difficult to perform.
IPCC has much more evidence and both knowledge/data about that than both of us do. So I disagree with you, and duly give my credits to the IPCC enourmous science team, sorry.
icebergs are melting, seas are rising, coastal flooding increasing, no climate predictions have come true...
Tuvalu: Why Is the Small Island Nation Sinking? | Earth.Org This is not happening, it is all AI modded pictures and texts...
The article referenced in the link is ranking car companies based on support for the Lobbying industry. It has virtually nothing to do with the actual impact of car manufacture on the environment. For years I've said that I'd rather live in California where you can build to withstand earthquakes. Not so easy to do in the southwest where they have hurricanes and tornadoes. In the last 12 months California has had fire, blizzards, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, drought. Mountain Lions have been spotted in my little town. No where is safe anymore.