Hello, Looking for sanity check. My wife’s Prius has been diagnosed as needing a new head gasket. Dealer est below. A) worth doing? B) can it be reliably done for less? I’m in Fairfield County CT close to WESTCHESTER COUNTY NY. Recommendations/insight/advice welcomed. Thanks, T
Go anywhere other than a dealer....you will pay less than half of these prices. I think people on here have posted a head gasket job for around $2000 or so....and no way pads and rotors for the front should be anywhere near $800+
Don't bother please Just do your research and move forward here you'll just be spending your wheels with this vehicle more than likely You might come out on the other side for a few hours or days or thousand miles or something but generally it's not going to be good You're in one of the most expensive places in the country to get anything done I used to come up there years ago and work on stuff long time ago Nice area but costly It's not worth the money.
With 250K, debatable. How the rest of the car? If you stick with it, be sure to thoroughly clean the full EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system, including intake manifold. More info in first two links in my signature (on a phone turn it landscape to see signatures). Also might want to have a look at the head gasket links (also in my signature), if only to see what's involved. I concur, six grand USD is robbery. The gasket kit (includes head gasket is around $200~250 USD, and replacement head bolts maybe $100. Part numbers for both in attached (page 2).
Look Up @SkimMilkHybrid user on this forum. He will travel to you and install a new engine or rebuild yours. You could buy a new short block and have him install it. Probably for $4,000 How is the rest of the car? Interior? Tires, brakes,
I don't think it's worth it for $6000 but it might be worth it if you can find someone who will fix it for less.