I visited Sandy's shop this weekend and throughly agree with him. Been there; done that, and; got pensions and social security. Bob Wilson
Wow, dude is way out of touch. If the whole, "ok Boomer " thing didn't already exist, it would be invented just for this video.
Weren't the people at Tesla that knew where the Supercharger network needed to expand and fortify to meet customer needs on the Supercharger team? It isn't news cause some of the Supercharger team got laid off, or even a majority of them. It is because Musk got rid of the entire group. Will this end up being a Twitter move where he hires back the people with the knowledge needed to maintain the network?
He totally lost me, and I'd hope anyone rational, when he suggested that charging was never going to get better, so firing the entire charging team was the right move. I mean, like yeah, dude has stock in TSLA. Please don't make it so obvious.
i thought he made a lot of good points, (especially about the legacy manufacturers) and a few i disagreed with, but from a perspective of zero knowledge. i do agree that musk is a once in a lifetime genius. and for all the negative clickbait regarding x, the sky hasn't fallen yet, unless you disagree with his politics, which i mostly do, but not all.
With closed captioning, I wasn't willing to reach the part about the other manufacturers. Yeah, I was thinking about the 350kW chargers others have out, and the existence of competitors that could use them at that point. The entire Supercharger network isn't up to the fastest standard yet, and it doesn't seem like even a skeleton crew was kept of the team. Is the Megacharger team separate?
Who is left planning and contracting for the build out of the next generation of superchargers? Or even determining where the increase in the density needs to be in a high demand area. Ask a CyberTruck owner if there are enough of the right kind of changers to allow them to routinely charge at their rated rate. This was a Musk tantrum when a manager refused his demand for a 10% across the board cut in staff and their expenses.
I have experience with CCS-1 chargers since 2016 and SuperChargers since 2019: SuperChargers - Model 3 has a 177 kW peak charging rate with a triangular shaped charging curve that reaches 3 kW in an hour. Initially 120 kW, they have been upgraded to 150 kW in a shared load with an adjacent stall. Worst case, two adjacent parked Teslas are each limited to 75 kW but as one car reaches its battery charging limit, the other car gets the rest. The subsequent V3 chargers have a peak rate of 250 kW with power independent stalls. My Model 3 only reaches a peak of 177 kW for a couple of minutes and soon slopes to lower values. Current V4 chargers are V3 chargers with longer cables. Failures in five years: 2 - failed to connect so switched to next stall 2 - power out: 4 of 8 stalls, in Nashville after tornados, and; a single stall, switched to next 1 - crushed when a non-Tesla vehicle rammed its tow hitch into charger in one stall CCS-1 chargers - BMW i3-REx has 50 kW peak rate with constant rate to 85% and then ramps down. Newest ones found 65 kW, ChargePoint, BMW never saturates. For Tesla, 10x the J1772 charge rate makes it a quick gap filler. Legacy EVgo limited to 50 kW found in Nashville. 1 - early billing problem so drove home on REx Electrify America half 150 kW and 350 kW stalls, regular EV owners take the highest rate first and leave the 150 kW mostly free. Usually, at least 1 of 4 stalls broken with software or equipment failures. 1 of 3 - early charging attempts failed after multiple, hour long testing and support so drove home on REx. 1 - charging plug, broken latch, a common weakness GM dealers, found two: Both had billing problems solved by calling support. Typically $0.05 to $0.10 more per kWh than SuperChargers SuperChargers, ~97% available, are 2-3x more reliable than CCS-1 chargers. A fast, specified charge rate is useless at a broken charger and only half of the CCS-1 lanes. The 350 kW lanes are the most frequently occupied and most frequently failed. Neither of my cars can reach 350 kW rate nor many CCS-1 cars. It would be more accurate to average the charging rates at a charging station, a collection of charging lanes, which at Electrify America runs: 250 kW = (350 kW + 150 kW)/2 Bob Wilson