What receiver and backup camera combo do you recommend? I like having a volume knob that doubles as a power button, but other than that I don't really care. I'd prefer the backup camera display on the existing display screen and get a receiver without and LCD, but it's no big deal if I have two screens. Thanks for any advice, loving this car so far.
Thank you! Does your backup cam display on the receiver or the built in display (keep forgetting what this is called)? I was also considering just using a wireless camera and tablet or something.
CororadoC is on the spot, but additional world of wisdom: You will want something that have buttons, at the minimum for on/off and volume: just in case thing go south and you still have control. Don't go cheap: you already spend dearly time/money, while install 100 bucks radio for +200 installation ( even time, it will take skill). Open the dash it simple for those who watch YT, but be mindful for the airbag. If you DIY: all wiring will need soldered / shirk tubing or crimper ... if you don't know what I am talking about - then -> professional !. For the back camera, good if you go WIFI... I choose wired: wired have to avoid -front airbag-, side airbag, inside insulation to hatch, ... there is lot of work so to speak. None of my kids would touch the stinky OEM radio/CD on our gen2... so a replacement is due.
I didn't encounter any airbag issue. You are not opening up the steering wheel. I didn't do any soldering (save for the 68 ohm resistor that connects to 2 wires). And even then I have an easy solution with parts I have, if you like, PM me and I'll sell you a 68ohm kit to cover postage and parts cost. See my post on it.