Recently my battery is showing it age Since 2011 Prius. According dr Prius cannot pinpoint the Faulty modul. Any ideas? Tks
Yes I think manufacturers and dealers like Toyota they don't play these games like when the battery dies in your flashlight you go to the store and you buy one or two more batteries and put them in in your flashlight works in the EV and HEV car world when your battery starts to act up and it's 9 years old or what have you they don't spend a lot of time with these tools and toys that go to the back of the parts department and they pull the battery out of this big special container that's how they get shipped and they install that in the said vehicle The person pays the money and they drive again for another 10 years Do the math on what that battery is costing you per hour day week whatever you want It's pretty low on the totem pole as expenses go tires will cost you more or can. So there's always things like that We come here to circumvent all of these problems but sometimes doing that is more costly another ways we're taking our time that we're not getting paid where we could be working to play games with well a battery that's all good You just have to suss it out real well. And make sure you justify at least to yourself what you're doing and good luck with getting everything sorted try another battery or you can spend time discharging and charging and discharging and recharging again and try and bring your battery back to health maybe get a few more months a year out of it something.
Will you be trying to save this pack and source replacement OEM modules? Doing that, I would keep modules 6,7,8 & 9 Those are your best modules. The rest of your modules are trash and you will get a check hybrid system alert soon. You can also look into the lithium upgrade. Check out the project lithium link in my profile.
Pls advice the proper modules count Is counts 1 starting batt ECU side? As I have a more heat generated on battery zone 1. Tks
There are millions of videos that will show you any battery pack that you can possibly want to play with from a volt to a Prius to a generation 1 Prius way back in '99 this is like common knowledge and I don't think anybody's going to make videos to lie to you on purpose That's just really generally not a thing All this information is out here that you can mull over it all you like It really doesn't change this just means you have plenty of time and not a lot of worries with work and a job or what have you and that's a great thing so you have plenty of time to play at the end of all that you may just turn around and get a battery like you do for your flashlight but in the meantime you're having fun learning and whipping that 80 lb battery in and out of the car you'll get good at it and so on. But these are skills you're learning for not much of a reason because your next move the battery is going to be so large in the car you're going to need a lift and a table and most people aren't going to buy a list in a listing table and all that that can sit 8,000 lb on it or what have you quite expensive main thing is to enjoy yourself and hopefully drive on.