Soooo. My 2014 is nearing the end of its life span at 250k. The repairs are starting to end up, and I was just traumatized tearing the car apart after finding a mouse nest in the spare tire, the air cabin filter, oh, and a dead mouse obviously zapped under the hybrid battery cover, where they have clearly been hanging out. I love my 2014, it’s a great car, but in my quest to now deal with this mouse issue (and taking all step to remedy) I’m terrified of: a) never getting the smell out b) going forth with a planned purchase of the 2024 prime once my 2014 kicks the bucket. have newer models dealt with this issue at all? I feel like I’m reading that the answer is “no”.
yes! Thank you! I’ve read all the posts here and we are working on that on our 2014 now. I have no issue doing that with our current car , my fear would be that if I upgrade that it would void warranty for a new version if it’s still an issue.
To void the warranty, they would have to prove the mesh was the cause of the issue. It end being a fight if it came to that, but there has to be an issue first.
Manufacturers could acknowledge the problem and address it, but with their current neglect of the problem, I’d take measures. one of my early posts here was about the possible ramifications of DIY, voiding warranty. I soon got over it. The manufacturers don’t care about you. They will try to weasel out of warranty claims, and the dealerships are cut from the same cloth. leaving the doors open for rodent infestation won’t gain you anything.