When I push my driver’s side sun visor all the way forward against the windshield, it will not stay in place. Is there any fix for this? Replacement visor is very pricy.
Is the clip on the right hand end in place and securing the sweep rod? Or do you mean the visor rotates freely on the rod?
Unfortunately for my model there is no visible Phillips head screw. The only screws are those that attach the visor to the ceiling. I think there’s something broken inside because as you push the visor up against the headliner, there’s a loud popping sound when the visor is about 2 inches from the ceiling. Was hoping for a fix since replacement is so expensive.
Visor attachment points are secure. Just won’t stay against windshield position and drops down about 2” from ceiling position.
Yes. All hardware is present and attached normally. Visor won’t stay in full forward position against windshield and won’t stay up against ceiling. In both cases, visor flops down freely about 2 inches or so. Makes it difficult to secure a fold up sunshade against the windshield.
From the written descriptions.... to me: a) it seems the sweep rod has broken/ snapped at a point as it travels through the sun visor b) the rod broke or unlodged inside the pivot mounting mechanism. Perhaps both theories were caused by someone using the sunvisor for leverage ie they pull down on it. so.... Remove the pivot mount and inspect for possible DIY repair. Buy a new assembly if the rod is broken inside the visor, as it may be impossible to professionally DIY fix. Good luck.
Thanks all for the possible theories. I’m not sure what’s inside a sun visor so this is great information. Will tinker around with it to see if I can figure it out and report back.