So RJ, I'm a D.I.Y guy. So I want some info, see if I want to do partial rebuild. This vacuum your suggesting, pulling oil past rings, and valve seals. Does that mean the rings and seals are bad? How hard is it to D.I.Y. rings and seals on these Prius. Have 300,000 on it. Also compared to used engine replace. I use to do rings and heads on VW's, engine in car still back in the day. It's not that bad right? Thoughts?
Of course the rings are bad. It is a factory design defect that was replaced free in the first 60k with oil consumption like you have now. Requires new pistons to use the improved rings. Valve seals are not necessarily bad but are routinely changed with a disassembly. To do it right (you rebuild, install rebuilt or install used) requires pulling the engine. It is likely your block is scored and not rebuildable. Best bet is a rebuilt long block or a used JDM engine assuming you can install to save money. Rebuilt shipped to you with revised rings, pistons and rebuilt head. Probably $3500 all in. Otherwise a used JDM engine may be available in the nearest big city for $1500.
Rj, thank you. I'm over 300,000 on this engine. I will have to think of my options, right now, I can handle dealing with problem. It's not throwing codes with extra emissions. So cat and sensors are good. It will just turn into an ol beater, as I will pick up something newer. At least I know the problem for sure.