I'm not seeing anything you're showing as being something you could call a proper Easter egg? "An Easter egg is an undocumented hidden feature or message in software or hardware. Developers leave these features behind for users to discover. Over the years, the tech industry has been famous for all sorts of humorous and weird eggs that people have managed to discover." 10 Legendary Easter Eggs in the Tech Industry Maybe get your money back and buy a Tesla, which actually has lots of legit Easter eggs you can hunt for? List of Easter eggs in Tesla products - Wikipedia
I agree that these aren’t really the fun sort of Easter eggs I’ve grown to enjoy in software, but I think they might qualify just based on the definition provided alone (bold emphasis mine): An Easter egg is an undocumented hidden feature or message in software or hardware. I haven’t seen mention of these little things in the owners manual or quick user guide or anything like that. Just reviews and forum posts like this one. I’ll admit that these are a little lame (not sure why Toyota went with the whole hashtag thing), but I think that’s also why they’re a little fun. I’m happy to follow this thread to see what else pops up that I haven’t noticed (though I will lamely admit, I discovered a lot of these exterior messages after spending 3 hours doing a careful rinseless wash on a very salty 2024 Prius Prime in my garage last night).
By your logic you're literally turning part labels and brand logos into a "undocumented hidden feature or message." Maybe click that Tesla list of Easter eggs linked above and realize how far astray you and OP have led yourselves when it comes to divorcing yourselves from understanding the reality of Easter eggs.
OK, maybe not the formal definition of an Easter Egg if that is the formal definition. I'd just heard that term often enough I called them that. Call them what you will, I think they are pretty neat. Yea, not going to trade in my PPPXP for a Tesla! Not smug enough and like doing road trips where I'm not rationalizing charging stops as "I need a rest anyway"! will