I’m finally in a place where in can do my own oil changes. Had the classic try everything and a cheater bar but nothing worked. So I then decided to put an impact on it till I had the thought “this is my only transportation to work”. So since I had already drained the oil I decided to try this conversion instead of trying to buy a new plastic housing. It was a super simple job and I ordered all the parts from amayama. See the attached pic on the part numbers I used. I did use the larger YZZF1 filter since I had extra stock from my Camry.
That's ridiculous; who was doing your oil changes? Torque for the stock oil filter housing was 18 ft/lb, and it's 13 ft/lb for the spin-on. You're prices were roughly the same as mine (also through Amayama), in December of 2019. Some higher, some lower. Except mine were in CDN funds, meaning prices have climbed about 25%. Still a lot cheaper than Hybrid Pit Stops "kit".
@Mendel Leisk I was bringing my own oil and filters to a local shop. At least they didn’t over tighten the drain plug. Never again though, it’s nice to do this myself from now on. The conversion is something I’ve really wanted to do but haven’t had a solid reason to do so yet. I also wanted to thank you because I used all the information you provided before to order the correct parts.
I was lucky enough to get a housing from an engine at work that was replaced outside of warranty... Less bs to deal with when doing an oil change now.