I’m going across country in a month and I can’t fit all that I want to take in the car. I’m considering renting the smallest U-Haul trailer to carry the excess. How does the Gen 2 handle that?
Not great. I mean, you can pull a trailer, but by the time you've got the empty trailer on, you've eaten up so much of your payload capacity that you can't fill either the car or the trailer without going way over weight. It works way better to rent a truck to haul the stuff + car hauler trailer.
Lots to consider... Do you already have a hitch on your Prius? Is this a one time move? Can you ship stuff to your destination? Can you borrow a roof rack and box from a friend? How much stuff? You could buy this. 1090 lb. Capacity 40-1/2 in x 48 in Utility Trailer And some plywood for $20 and assembly it yourself.....then sell it for $200 when you get to your destination? If it is a lot of stuff... Maybe rent a POD...load it up and then unload... Or a roof top Cargo Bag from Dicks Sporting goods.....for $65.00 use once move and sell.
Know if you're going to do this buy a small trailer from like Northern hydraulics or look up this company called f l o e trailers they're out in the Midwest We have a 5x8 it's aluminum and plastic It weighs 344 lb empty It has 13 in tires and mag wheels on it so it looks reasonable and it pulls straight. On the back of the Gen 3 it did very well moving like a zero turn lawn mower things like that washers and dryers across the country I mean you would have to be running very reasonable speeds and try to keep it in flat land and when you got in the mountains you would be going slow irritating people but so what you'd make it but a U-Haul trailer absolutely not that you might as well just sell the car right now and forget it because when you get where you're going if you make it your car will be beat to death by that aluminum trailer from U-Haul I pulled one behind my sienna van one time and never again I went out and bought my floe trailer. Pony up to $1,500 and that was that and we've been in the wind with that thing ever since My old lady loves it she'll move anything with that thing
And I just noticed you're in the generation 2 list so the generation 2 doesn't do as nearly as well as our generation 3 with the trailer but we use a trailer for small jaunts with things like a washer and a dryer in it The generation 2 will do fine with that but it will not go up into the mountains in Virginia and pick up a lawn mower I don't have a vehicle right now that will do that and we don't do much of that anymore so.
I The cargo bag might be the best thing for me. I’ve got a pellet grill that I wanted to haul on a trailer but it sounds like l’d be better off to sell it and buy another when I get there.
Just out of curiosity where are you going from to whatever? I don't need the ZIP code just the basic idea but across the country means to me from East Coast to Middle America possibly to the West Coast No you don't want to do that U-Haul trailer thing You might as well just sell the car now and buy a truck or something because you're going to ruin your car with a U-Haul metal trailer I mean ruin it oh man it's going to make it a noisy mess that would be a throw away get it out there and use it as a junker and whatever because it'll never be a quiet nice car again I'm going to pull and jerk on that thing all the way to wherever you're going cringe just thinking about it. And a generation 3 wouldnt fare much better.
Two things you cannot do: 1. Go across the country if you start in Colorado. 2. Properly TOW anything more than about 500# with a Prius. Remember: There's a Yuge difference between 'towing' and 'pulling.' A Prius is capable of 'pulling' a very large object, especially if it's on wheels. The thing is.....you have to do silly little things like turn and stop too. The payload rating of the Prius is 800 pounds. Even with a 3x 'engineering WAG' factor that's not enough. The trailer itself will weight more than that if it's 4x7 or larger unit. Then there's the WEIGHT of the stuff you out into it AND the Prius - including you and any passengers, and the stuff you cram into the cargo bay. Yes...you CAN do it. You just shouldn't.