hello peeps, i purchased a Prius 2013 from japan and i have these wires and like clips stick like glued onto the windscreen, i have no idea what they are. my possible thought is it the keyless sensors, if so are they supposed to be visible like that, was the car in a accident. please let me know your thoughts. now i have to use my expertise to try and attach the photos on here. and by the way i am quite excited to know now how to post successful images https://attachments.priuschat.com/attachment-files/2024/02/246890_20240127_103407.jpg https://attachments.priuschat.com/attachment-files/2024/02/246891_20240127_103412.jpg https://attachments.priuschat.com/attachment-files/2024/02/246892_20240127_103417.jpg https://attachments.priuschat.com/attachment-files/2024/02/246895_20240127_103355_1.jpg https://attachments.priuschat.com/attachment-files/2024/02/246896_20240127_103417_1.jpg
Usually it's a security/ID system installed by the people who managed the car on the lot before you bought it, or before the previous owner bought it or both...
thanks but what does it exactly do, is it something I can manage or any use for me its security system. when you say security id system, is it like an additional alarm/ immobiliser. can I strip it off if its no use for me. many thanks
If this was put on by a dealer to manage inventory on the lot then I would think it could be removed and it should be looking like it can be removed like there's some edges you can peel up and the thing just pulls right off I would think they would be videos in countries where this goes on that show regular people and or criminals bypassing this system to steal cars or whatever and then you might have your answers I haven't looked personally but I would think in the country where these things are activated like where this car came from you imported it from Japan so maybe look on Japanese websites and see how this is used and enabled and then removed when one receives the car or does this stay so it can be tracked by officials forever or?
interesting. yes it does peel off , I still have not checked where the wires is connecting to. a friend of mine said it could be the key fob sensor detection lol. I dont no.
big possibility but i doubt with some many of those buttons or sensors. 1 may be enough but this in total 4-5 I don't no what to even call them
defo not. not like this. it looks like it was done by the owner not even a mechanic. but I need to trace the wires, where it leads but concerned i may damage something that's why am here to find info. I emailed Toyota japan auction site - awaiting reply.
you could be right my man. there is also a ETC card reader installed on the driver bottom side which is a toll bridge detector and I believe these are detectors. i am getting closer to scrapping off my windscreen. thank you all
found this on eBay so yes this has gave me a complete answer. https://attachments.priuschat.com/attachment-files/2024/02/246899_etc.jpg I am pretty sure this is connected to the battery so I may professionally remove or leave to for a memory as the cars previous life lol
So then you just get it off the battery scrape it off the mess trim the wires or pull them through wherever they penetrate I don't even know but it looks like hell.
Almost every car lot manager has a different system... We often get these questions when people buy a used Prius. If you're curious you might inquire about vehicle chain of custody prior to your purchase and what kind of electronic devices they use.