My USB song list displays each song twice. Has anybody found a solution to fix this? There are some old posts on this topic but no fix that works. 2022 LE
MacOS copies hidden resource files at the same time as copying the intended file, they all begin with a period. Unfortunately Toyota tries to display and play those files. You need to remove those files beginning with a period from the USB drive You can either do this using macOS terminal or by giving the command, shift period command allow the hidden files to be seen and removed using finder. Kevin
Thanks Kevin..... I gave it a try but to no avail. I tried both methods and the hidden files kept coming back.
Weird. Don't understand that. I don't have a Prius at the moment so I can't test it. I have an MP3 player that I use that also exhibits similar issues and deleting the hidden files works on that. macOS seems to have changed in the last year or so in what it does with the hidden files. kevin