I was driving my 2010 Prius when suddenly I felt some pull to the passenger side and decided to turn off the main road. As I did I heard like a grinding sound coming seemingly from the road level below the engine bay. The car didn’t throw any dash lights but wouldn’t move afterward and would grind when put into any gear (drive or reverse) . The sound was similar to something turning but grinding against something else. The engine starts up fine and again no warning lights on the dash. My first thought was transmission or some part of the suspension. I didn’t see any noticeable leaking of oil or fluid and also didn’t see any broken pieces or metal fragments. Towing to the STEALER tomorrow but wanted to see if anyone had any thoughts.
Why tow to dealer? You probably have a suspension or brake issue. Don’t need dealer for that. you can get a cheap diagnosis at Armstrong auto service in Rosemead
Your suspension and all of the underpinnings of your cars very much Yaris and Corolla It should be able to go to pretty much anybody to be diagnosed in this genre of repair The last place I would take anything is to the Toyota dealer personally that's generally not a smart move for people with an older car If you're forced into warranty work and all that because your car is new and that's what you need to do then that's what you have to do but after that there is absolutely no reason to be doing anything with the dealer unless you have a good in with a dealer or something I used to have this years ago with the local Toyota dealer and let me tell you they save me a bunch of money but I had a connection there I worked in the car industry and one hand wash the other and all that kind of nonsense so unless you've got something going on that's the last thing you want to be doing.
Could it be as simple as a suspension issue if it wouldn’t move? Seems like it’d be more complex right?
There is no doubt that a connect at the dealership is priceless! lol This dealership has at least been pretty fair the times that I’ve had to go there. Depending on the issue I might have them replace the wheel bearings as well on the front end
You own a 14 year old car and Toyota Stealerships are warranty specialists for brand new cars. Even if it's an easy repair that doesn't cost much the dishonest people at the stealer will try to scare you or trick you into thinking your car can't be saved and you have to buy a new one that's not a hybrid because nobody is buying their non-hybrid / non-EV inventory anymore. Just have it towed to your tire shop or to a local mechanic a friend, family member or nextdoor.com recommends.
It could be anything. Your brakes could have locked up, if the glide pins are not lubricated. That’s why you always get a proper inspection and not guess at it
It seems to be something more than the brakes locking up because it makes a feuding noise while in gear but not in motion. I hear you though it could be anything lol
How long have you had this car? The 2015 models are usually the most reliable of the 3rd Gen cars. You have gone through a rebuilt engine and now possibly faced with another major problem.
Any chance you can get in touch with the person who rebuilt the engine 6 years ago? Your symptoms point to engine problems... Once you get warning lights on the dash you'll know more. Maybe it's just a bad pump or pulley wheel? In meantime, it's essential you confirm exact location of the noise. If it makes the noise when car is not moving that should be easy with an automotive stethoscope or just a stick or screwdriver held to your ear.