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Potentially Reckless, unethical, incomplete, false and self-serving advice from my Toyota Dealership

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by Hino, Jan 11, 2024.

  1. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    So we have an Op who bought a high mile “one owner” gen3 previously operated in a remote Arkansas location with unknown history due to small shop maintenance.

    The Op authorized $1889 worth of routine maintenance and still had a late stage hg failure two months later.

    Given most gen3 hg failures start six months or earlier with occasional rattling and no coolant loss or contamination, the original owner or his shop 90% used sealant in the cooling system. The car ran well for two months after the op bought it.

    The op then buys a quality rebuilt engine for $3600 and has it shipped to his Toyota dealer. The Op witnessed the beginning of the engine removal and came back in a day or two and the install was done for $3036.

    So within two or three months of ownership we have the purchase price, maybe $10,000 (not disclosed), full maintenance for $1889, rebuilt engine for $3600 and a Toyota dealer install of $3036. Perhaps before the title and license showed up. $8525 in addition to the purchase price.

    I would be angry as well. At the seller, the dealer and myself.
    #61 rjparker, Jan 20, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2024
    JohnPrius3005 and Mendel Leisk like this.
  2. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk EGR Fanatic

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    And Toyota doesn't want to talk about it.
    Hino and bisco like this.
  3. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    oh mendel, they issued a tsb in europe. isn't that enough for the poor beleaguered company?
    donbright, Hino and Mendel Leisk like this.
  4. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk EGR Fanatic

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    Way back in 2014 we got our warranty extension notice related to EGR, with the consoling sentence:

    "While the majority of vehicles will not experience..."

    Underlined and italisized just like that.
    Hino likes this.
  5. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    The "..." above is standing in for the next two words, "this condition".

    How many here remember what "this condition" means, in the text of warranty enhancement notification ZF3?
  6. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    2010-12 sticking egr valve which cleaned or replaced the valve and updated the ecu. The roughness was nothing compared to a hg rattle sounding like a broken rod to the uninitiated. Car care nut did a video on it a year or so ago.
  7. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    My satisfaction with Carfax reports isn't at issue here.

    My own selection criteria for used cars has never led me to an engine replacement.

    Good luck with your situation!
  8. John321

    John321 Senior Member

    Nov 16, 2018
    2008 Prius
    key points for me:
    11 year old vehicle
    220,000 miles.

    Prius are great cars - we sold our 2008 Prius at 12 years old and 160,000 miles I liked the car, still got over 50 mpg.
    I had done all my own maintenance on that vehicle since we bought it new - including wheel bearings, ABS actuator etc.
    Still I began to get an uneasy feeling when my wife or youngest child would take it on a trip of any length.
    Our second vehicle was a 16 year old trusty Sienna Van with 150,000 miles, very reliable but by being a cheapskate and always keeping vehicles for 10 years or more I felt I had put my family behind the 8 ball in terms of vehicle reliability and safety features with these two older workhorse vehicles.
    I was playing Wheel of Fortune with potential vehicle problems even though I had kept them both in excellent shape.
    Felt it wasn't if I was going to have a vehicle problem, it was when one of them might break down.
    #68 John321, Jan 21, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2024
    donbright, Hino and JohnPrius3005 like this.
  9. Hino

    Hino New Member

    Jan 10, 2024
    Ridgedale, MO.
    2013 Prius
    Engine components never get frozen in time and remain new as decades of use pile on. Are the new Toyota redesigned piston rings and pistons absolute great improvement to reduce the issues ( such as excessive carbon build-up ) that their faulty design caused? Absolutely yes.

    My own selection criteria for used cars has never led me to an engine replacement either.
    Much appreciated, thank you!

    I'm not angry at anyone. Never said that I was. Right? You've left out vital information that played a role in this situation such as the heartache/stress of watching your mom facing impending death, which led me to trust a Toyota Service Advisor who lied to me and told me that Toyota ( Corporate) had approved ways to de-carbon an engine and created a "De-carbon Service" which after contacting Toyota Corporate, they said that's not true. They haven't passed anything like that on to their dealerships. About $400 of blasting spray cleaner crap here and there and putting some fuel cleaner in the gas tank. They could have caused more harm than good; it's possible and not approved by Toyota. A lot of this post has to due with Trust. And we should be able to trust our Toyota dealerships shouldn't we ? .. no matter if your young, elderly or your mom is dying. Right? You opined a 90% certainty that my car had a blown head gasket when I purchased it. How do you know? Have 90% of Gen3 owners here reported head gasket failures at 220k miles? If so, you might really be right. Is that what 90% of Gen3 owners are saying? Show me. As far as the cost of the installation goes, I never approved the dealership to begin work as we were still discussing charges and the cost of installation in text so the charges for that have been reversed. You some how left out the part where I reported that the Toyota Service Advisor told me to keep driving the car with the CEL light on. I have that documented in text. That's terrible advice which can keep evolving into a worse scenario for the vehicle. That won't go well for the dealer. I'll most likely contest the $400 "de-carbon service" which isn't authorized or approved of by Toyota. Yes, my mom died and I've grieved but now I have strength and time to stand up to this bs. Again, I'm not mad at anyone as you insulated but I will make things right.
    #69 Hino, Jan 22, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2024
  10. Hino

    Hino New Member

    Jan 10, 2024
    Ridgedale, MO.
    2013 Prius
    Yes, vehicle will break, absolutely..although my 21 year old Toyota Spyder has never needed anything mechanical and runs like the day I bought it, maybe a little better. My 2010 FJ Cruiser made by Hino is like a tank and rock solid. No mechanical issues whatsoever. It's too bad that the Prius quality isn't like these vehicles.
    Most of my post is about getting betrayed, lied to and taken advantage of by a Toyota dealership. Should they be held to a higher standard than our local shade tree mechanic?

    Don't all third Generation Prius vehicles have the exact same EGR cooler and valve?

    Yeah, didn't the engine basically have to fail severely to receive any relief from the warranty? My vote would be to issue a recall.. excuse me, I mean 'Parts Campaign' lol
    #70 Hino, Jan 22, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2024
  11. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk EGR Fanatic

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    I think there’s two issues:

    1. “low tension” piston ring’s propensity to clog and start burning oil.

    2. New and apparently untested EGR system’s propensity to clog with carbon, causing reduced and unbalanced exhaust gas distribution to the cylinders.

    While #1 may increase #2, I don’t see them being in lock-step. I’ve got zero drop in oil level on the dipstick so far (just went by 100k kms, not a lot), but in my 2 EGR cleanings, in particular the first around 70k kms, carbon build-up was indeed happening.

    it’s notable too, Tampa Hybrids had a fourth Gen owner request an EGR cleaning. The car had over 300k miles. There was next to no carbon. 4th Gen EGR has fundamental revisions, and the shortcomings of 3rd Gen EGR likely motivated those revisions.
    #71 Mendel Leisk, Jan 22, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
    Hino likes this.
  12. Tideland Prius

    Tideland Prius Moderator of the North
    Staff Member

    Oct 2, 2004
    Other Non-Hybrid
    @Hino please use the multi-quote function
  13. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    First and most importantly sorry about your loss and sincerely hope time heals some of your families grief.

    In your case it’s 90% since your resulting failure was extreme with coolant in the oil. This requires much longer time from onset as the typical gen3 hg failure is identified by severe “metallic” rattling long before your time frame. Usually six months to a year ahead of your late stage hg failure.

    Sealant can and will mask a Prius hg failure allowing prior owners to sell with an undiagnosable hg leak.

    My point here is service advisers are not mechanics, they are commissioned salesmen or women. This is widely known as a fact with occasional exceptions. Particularly on a complex hybrid.

    A dealer is no longer the best place from a diagnostic, cost or expertise standpoint. You have discovered this the hard way.

    At least you ended up with a quality rebuild rather than a used engine. On that point you have won.

    Yes but the 2010-2012 had control software that was improved for later years. Your car can be updated with the egr “calibration” firmware if it is not already.

    Unfortunately Priuschat expertise is not admissible in court. So your best path forward is to learn about potential issues and be ready when needed. Brake boosters and inverters come to mind. Part of that readiness is to find a qualified independent hybrid mechanic. Use them for the small jobs to establish trust and availability when you really need them.
    #73 rjparker, Jan 22, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
    Hino, donbright, Merkey and 1 other person like this.
  14. Leadfoot J. McCoalroller

    Leadfoot J. McCoalroller Senior Member

    May 12, 2018
    2018 Prius c
    There, that's the pure distillate. The best possible take-away from this thread. Respect!
    Hino likes this.
  15. asjoseph

    asjoseph Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile

    May 4, 2008
    lancaster, california
    2004 Prius
    ... not only are they idiots? They're compulsive liars; scoundrels. Lack of character.

    It's not just a changing of the guard. This new generation of automotive technician, service advisors: apathetic, low empathy parts changers; no sense of mechanical sympathy; poor critical thinking skills.

    Aloof, clumsy, propensity to lie to win arguments? Integrity, social responsibility is not high on their totem pole of virtue.

    Once upon a time, those of us who owned vintage Toyotas were considered royalty, at our local Toyota service department. I own a very rare, vintage Toyota. Mint condition. Many of its parts, irreplaceable. Old guard Toyota people had thought to place an entry, into Toyota's nationwide service database, no matter where I take it, an advisory pops up in every service department, nationwide: "... THIS VEHICLE IS NEVER TO BE PARKED IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT!"

    This reactionary new generation of young people, this kind of thing only serves, to strengthen their resolve, to do otherwise.

    Having its cruise control module replaced at the local Toyota Dealership, a few years ago, staring from the freeway overpass, down at the service lot behind the dealership, and there it was, my vintage AW11, parked indifferently, in direct sunlight! Pulled out my handheld, standing on that bridge, I placed a call to the punk service writer, inquiring as to exactly where he had it parked?

    "Oh, absolutely, sir! We've it parked in shade, as indicated requested!" no compunction whatsoever, lying straight through his teeth. Called to account, advising him otherwise? "... I'm so sorry, sir! We'll get right on it. We'll move it, right away! Yes-sir-reee!"

    Lip-service. An hour, standing on that bridge -- that little twerp didn't lift a finger.

    I circled around, drove into the restricted service area, drove it home off the lot with a spare key, backed it into its stall, in my garage, booted my browser, began the search in earnest, for a reputable independent repair shop.

    Once a major point of contention with respect to provenance and pedigree, an exclusively dealer serviced vehicle, is long since no longer something to brag about, if you own a Toyota. Such is the extent of Toyota's deterioration, in service and product quality, Toyota dealerships don't touch my two Toyotas - not with a 10 foot pole.

    Parts, only. I have not since returned to any Toyota dealership, for service. Don't think I'd ever buy a new one --

    Samuel, '04 Ruthiemobile
    Hino likes this.
  16. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    Now that we know about Priuschat pundits, what do you think about the extremely wealthy independently owned Toyota dealership owners?
  17. Hino

    Hino New Member

    Jan 10, 2024
    Ridgedale, MO.
    2013 Prius
    ASSUME. No, I didn't. What makes you think that I did ??

    Thank you very much for your sage advice in this matter. You may be happy to know that Bank of America held the dealership accountable and demanded to see any documentation where I agreed upon installing my new engine as we ( the dealership and myself ) were still engaged in dialog about their advice and accountability not to mention the cost for installing the new engine was still being negotiated and the dealership had absolutely zero documents showing that I authorized them to begin work on the car. If the Service Manager wasn't so arrogant, rude and unprofessional, I would have paid them something as I'm not an unreasonable person; however, his poor and hostile treatment had me saying... you can eat the cost. And they did.

    I couldn't agree with you more. We were treated much better back in the day. We got professionalism and we expected professionalism. Now it's completely different as you've accurately detailed. I'd guess that we're both approximately the same age. I'm 59. I bought my first new Toyota right out of high-school. The newly redesigned 1984 pickup. 2WD ( I didn't have a lot of cash at the time. Lol ). In 1985 my older brother bought the first Gen MR-2 AW11. After driving his car, I was on a mission. I loved that car and found a great deal on a Red 1985 nicely equipped AW11 with only 8K miles and jumped on it. I kept that car in amazing condition. In 1992 I had decided that I was going to quit using it as a DD during the summer and put it into storage.. a couple of months later, a pickup truck not paying attention hits the AW11. I was bummed and to this day regret not getting that car fixed or finding another well cared for 1985 AW11. In 2003 I purchased a silver MK3 MR-2 ZZW30 and still have it in almost showroom condition. I, not unlike yourself watch closely how my prized vehicles are treated and when possible I'll watch while service is being preformed on the vehicle. I saw dealerships doing some stupid things. Your story about spotting your vehicle outside the dealership sounds very much like something I would absolutely do. What year and color is your AW11 and how long have you owned it?
    #77 Hino, Jul 6, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2024
  18. Hino

    Hino New Member

    Jan 10, 2024
    Ridgedale, MO.
    2013 Prius
    The dealership had absolutely zero, nothing to show that I approved of any work involving removal of my old engine and installation of my new engine as we were still in discussions about their liability in this situation and we were still in negotiations as to what the cost would to do the work would be. I had all the texts from the Service Advisor to prove what I was claiming was 100% the truth and the dealership had nothing authorizing them to touch the car. Pretty simple. My credit card company told them to pound sand. If the Service Manager wasn't a raging arse, I would have paid them a fair price but after he mistreated me... nope. Not happening. Grow up and learn how to treat the ones that put food on your table professionally. But they don't think of their customers like this anymore.

    1000% agree that Advisors aren't mechanics and I don't believe that I said that I thought they are. A properly factory trained Service Advisor ( that's why I used all caps previously) will have the intelligence to pull up TSB'S and factory enhanced warranty enhancements and the like which all point to problem areas of specific vehicles. Additionally they won't tell their customers to keep driving a vehicle after it throws a CEL and it reveals cylinder misfires. Amazingly enough, he suspected head gasket failure! And told me to keep driving so coolant wouldn't pool in the cylinders. I had my mom to worry about at the time and I really regret taking his ignorant advice. If Toyota Dealerships present these people as 'Service Advisors' to fool or confuse their customers which you seem to be saying they they are really inadequate or unqualified to Advise, then that's Fraud.. plain and simple. No other way to say it more accurately.

    You seem to have missed the most important parts which were stated and those are 1) Reckless, dangerous, and predatory advice by a Trained Service Advisor and 2) The most important part doesn't have to do with the car but it is a factor and that is my mom was dying and I was the only family member caring for her daily. In situations like this you want to be able to trust your Toyota Dealership and that's where they took advantage of me because I had also shared this information about my mom while talking with the Service Advisor. They should be ashamed of themselves. I'm not upset at myself at all, why would I be? $4,500 for the one owner car with a clean Carfax, immaculate inside and out, one of the better colors ( IMO) Silver with a sunroof that I use daily. $1,889 for all the fluids, new spark plugs, etc. $3,600 for the Hybrid PitStop Gold Standard engine that is 100% refurbished, electrosonically cleaned, GEN4 PISTONS AND PISTON RINGS, Not the defective/faulty GEN3 ones, new EGR , Redesigned GEN4 INTAKE which isn't prone to clogging like the GEN3 design, new water pump, all new valves, etc., so on and so forth. I'm getting 51 MPG and it runs like new. Total cost right at $9,989. I didn't pay a penny to their Service Manager for the engine remove/install who was completely a jerk, very rude, completely unprofessional and frankly had a lot of issues to work through with a therapist. So the $3K plus engine removal and new engine replacement and new fluids associated were free of charge to me because the dealership acted without my approval to remove and replace the engine as we were still in negotiations about their accountability, liability and cost. $9,989 for an immaculate GEN3 with a brand new, completely refurbished engine that doesn't have issues and defective and poorly designed parts and components of the everyday GEN3. One owner, always garage kept and a sunroof to boot. Hybrid Pit is pretty awesome, I'm thinking that I should be able to get 300K miles out of this professionally rebuilt engine. $9,989, I'm pretty happy, no thanks to the stealership. But they got what they deserved, didn't they? Sometimes things just work out as they should.
    #78 Hino, Jul 6, 2024
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2024