How do you engage? I thought if cruise control was on and you encountered traffic it would take over, but apparently not. Manual talks about a red recording light, I've yet to see it. I have every safety feature turned on, but can't figure this one out.
Do you have the 8" screen? If that's the case, you don't get the one-year trial of Drive Connect but need to purchase a subscription. They really messed up the options and trim levels on Gen 5.
It should engage on its own below a certain speed (30 mph?) but if you just want to give it a shot, press on the voice command button quickly on the steering wheel to have the Toyota Assistant start and ask to activate/engage traffic jam assist. It should start it for you or give you a reason why it can't. His profile says 2024 XSE but in the US even the SE comes with TJA trial as far as I'm aware.
Yes, it is standard on all Gen 5 Prius Prime trims, but it won't work without an active Drive Connect subscription, and you don't get the one-year free trial for that with the 8" screen.
According to you get Drive Connect on the SE for 1 year. It only comes with an 8" screen. Where are you getting your info from?
This is straight from Toyota's website. Unless someone with a US spec SE can chime in on their TJA, I'm more inclined to believe the one on their spec page as it seems like a legal liability if they don't honour it.
Nah, we have already discovered so many errors on that spec page. The document I posted is specifically written for the trial subscriptions, and therefore, I am pretty sure that the information in it is accurate. Moreover, @GREEN BAE should know whether he opted for the trial subscription or not when he signed his paperwork. He has never replied.
I am a she, BTW. Women love cars too. I believe I have a trial of drive connect. I can remotely start the car and say hey Toyota, get directions, etc.
Cloud navigation comes with Drive Connect; so, you should be set for TJA. Do you have the 12.3" screen?
@GREEN BAE: Most definitive test to be sure you have TJA is to go into the settings screen on the MFD (behind the wheel) and see if there is an entry for it. If so, hopefully that confirms it should be there. I think you do have to go explicitly enable it, I don't think it is default enabled. My memory is a bit fuzzy on that now, it was a while ago. Only other thing I can think of is that you need both DRCC and LKA enabled. You only mentioned DRCC. With both turned on, whenever the traffic gets below 25MPH, I get a popup on the MFD saying TJA activated and standard admonishments about continuing to watch the road. Most of the time, but for some reason not all the time I do get the popup asking about the camera too. Sometimes I say yes, sometimes I say no, sometimes I just ignore it and it goes away. Whatever I do, TJA still works. Hopefully you can figure it out. If not, let me know and I'll try to take some screen shots of my settings screens. I think it is way cool. While in a really bad traffic jam one time I did find some fun games to play with it. Lemme know once you figure it out and I'll explain the game. will
@Will B and possibly others that like me sometimes have trouble understanding all the new acronyms related to hybrids, plugins and EV's. much less cars and electronics, et al,. in general . And since I've recently written several posts about both the MID ( Multi-Informational Display ) and the MFD ( Multi-Functional Display ) I wanted to make sure I understand the Gen 5 terms as mentioned above. And hopefully are still described the same way in the Gen 5 owners manual (?) as they are described in the Gen 4 owners manual. By the way thanks for including (behind the steering wheel) in your description. It's a little thing and I hesitated to post this until I remembered recently posting both acronyms ( without adding there full names ) attached to the acronyms. In Gen 4 the MID is the 4 inch Display ( settings screens ) above the MFD and the MFD is the 7 inch Display with the base model and the 11 inch Display on the upper trim models that includes the entertainment ( info-tainment ) screens / systems along with other programs and settings included in ( that system / those systems )..
Gen 5 manual uses "multi-information display" for the main dash display, and "Multimedia Display" (with the capitals) for the central one. Gen 4 manual uses "multi-information display" for the main dash display, and isn't totally consistent about the central one - "navigation system", "audio system screen". Gen 2 manual uses "instrument cluster" for the main dash display and "multi-information display" for the central one. Not sure when, if ever, the manuals used multi-function display (MFD), despite everyone here having used it forever for the central screen. And no use of acronyms.
@GREEN BAE, did you check if Traffic Jam Assist (TJA) was turned on in the vehicle settings on the meter gauge?
Do you confirm that our EU Prius doesn't have TJA or any hands free condition? Independently for the trim?
I looked into that over in this thread (don't recall why there). Why is apparently no one buying a Prius/Prius Prime on the East Coast? | Page 4 | PriusChat In summary - no traffic jam assist, but "DRCC extended resume time" in the same circumstances. Ability to pull away without hitting the "resume" button, but not hands-off, afaict. Never had an opportunity to test it - don't ever have that sort of traffic jam here.
When using DRCC the car will come to a stop on its own behind a stopped car if you don't touch the brakes. If you touch the brakes the DRCC is cancelled, of course, so coming up on a stopped car without braking is a little unnerving at first. The difference seems to be that cars with TJA will automatically start moving forward again when the car in front moves. With DRCC you need to push the accelerator pedal to get started. And even if you have the DRCC set to accelerate quickly it still accelerates very slowly from a stop so if the car ahead is not just creeping forward you will need to push the gas pedal to keep up. Once you get up to speed it will follow the preceding car at the distance you have it set at. So the DRCC is like a "TJA lite". I still don't understand why TJA is linked to the Navigation feature in the cars that have it. I'm almost never in traffic that would be considered a "traffic jam" by big city standards so the DRCC works fine for me.
Isn't what you're calling DRCC just the adaptive cruise control in essence? I do not have the Drive Connect subscription but the car will brake and resume acceleration without me touching the resume button or accelerator if it's only been a short while of being stopped (second or two I think?). I've used it many times in traffic if it's just slow moving, brake, move again quickly. I think that's what KMO is reffering to "DRCC extended resume time". The difference between that and TJA is that TJA will resume moving after longer periods of being stopped and you can be hands free (which I think KMO mentioned). It tracks your eyes instead of hand on the steering. The extended resume time when stopped is really the appeal as the eye tracking camera sucks if you have blue eyes - I haven't seen it mentioned here often but it sucks for light colored eyes. I had to turn off the attention monitor as it'd always complain and I can't imagine it on TJA how it'd be unhappy. This is also an opinion but I have my acceleration set to medium and it accelerates OK. It also depends on the following distance you set that will impact your acceleration since the car won't accelerate much for a bit until it clears your set distance.
I guess you didn't read the thread I linked. DRCC extended resume also does that. That's the "TJA lite" that has the same navigation linkage offered on high-end models instead of TJA in Europe. I assume it's a regulatory difference. TJA also allows you to be hands-off at the low speed operation. Because it is supposed to only activate on major enough roads - ones without junctions, I assume, so it knows that if you're stopped it is a traffic jam.