Have searched the forum and also in the Navigation System manual, including "All POI") with no luck. We have small green icons that looks like a leaf (bit may not be) that we cannot identify. It's at some really weird locations, like at some crossroads and along railroad tracks not anywhere along a road. Does anyone know what this is. (Why cannot pictures be attached to these posts???? When I try to upload a file I get an error message. I don't have a URL with the picture!)
There is an issue with posting images right now. However, if you upload the image to a free image hosting site like imgur.com, you can post a link of it here and it will work.
Not charging stations. They are places where you brake often. Generally at traffic lights. It's called Predictive Efficient Drive Information. In my '17 Prime nav manual, it's on page 214. (I also cannot upload pictures anymore.) On page 213: