I picked up my car from the body shop where they replaced the rear bumper and fixed other things. I noticed that the gap between the bumper and the car body isn't even around. I notice it on both sides of the car. Should I be concerned that the gap isn't even all around? Can this cause any potential issues to the car now or down the line? Note: the car is a Gen 2 and the rear bumper was taken from an older Gen 2.
Thanks. I don't think it'll affect my ability to see at night. I just added a photo to my original post to help show the issue I'm talking about. I couldn't figure out how to add photos initially.
Underneath the bumper cover, just behind each rear wheel are plastic pieces shaaped like a hockey stick that follow the shape of the upper section of the cover. They each have 3 or 4 tapered locking tabs. The bumper cover has the same amount of flat tabs sticking out with small slits in them. The slits slide up and then over the locking tabs and click into place, acting like a fish hook, holding the bumper cover to the car body. Sometimes, if the tab is not fully pushed in, it doesn't position correctly and has only completed the 'slide up' portion, and not the 'click into place' portion where the tab drops down just a hair and establishes the gap. It maybe that one or more of your flat tabs has done the slide part, but not the click part.
Can't see your photo and I have no idea what "isn't even around" means as related to a gap? It makes no sense...
"isn't even around" ==> The gap between the body and rear bumper is not perfectly lined up. The gap is bigger in some areas and smaller in others. I don't know how else to describe it, which is why I edited my post to include a photo so people can see what I'm trying to describe. I'm not sure why the photo isn't showing up for you though.
I see...maybe this explains it. I read about the locking tabs on Google but I thought only newer vehicles (Gen III and newer) had those tabs.
Ok, I can see your photo now... Nothing looks wrong. It's not like this is an expensive luxury car where you spend $80K for perfection... Also what part of the gap between the bumper cover and body are you concerned about, there's at least 4 primary areas and the area in the photo look the same as all other Prius. And what did the body shop say about it when you asked? Driving off with the car pretty much means you accepted their work as is.