Hi all, Totally new to the form and this is my last resort after reading countless threads regarding HID failures. I have a 2007 Prius with factory HID. Recently the driver side will go out while driving and there were two occasions where both headlights will be off (Once when I was backing up from the driveway. Once when I was driving on the freeway after going over an uneven surface). This is my 2nd year I have this car and I don't remember having this issue during fall and winter last year. Is there any way for me to see if it's the bulb acting up or should I take it to the shop to see what the real problem is? I'm also interested to see if it's remotely possible for me to downgrade to non HID setup? Thank you for all your kind help! Appreciate it all!
Yes you need two halogen housings they're cheap and fit those to your car with LED H4 a u x b e a m branded s1 bulbs or now I think the s4s are out. You'll need to crank the up and down adjust or down about 9/2 turns and then you'll see your cutoff on the garage door set it at the inches mark that you put on the door It's like a flat line of light. You could also use an HID to LED conversion the only problem with that is your ballast starts messing up then you still have no power to the new LEDs and then you have to buy ballast which is expensive if you just change to the halogen housings and you can add the halogen or H4 plugs easily have pictures very simple to do. And then you have nothing to replace pretty much forever.
What about the wiring? I don't think the old wiring that is connected to an HOD ballast will like the plug and play idea, no?
or you can just buy 2 new HID bulbs for about 70 bucks, install them and be worry free for the next 5 years. D4R Bulb - Factory HID Xenon Series | Onyx Performance Lights (onyxlights.com) OEM is 4300k always replace as a pair
I was thinking about trying that with some cheap bulbs because I'm thinking maybe my ballast is starting to go bad and then that puts me into well the whole system or what have you I'm so there again the LEDs seem the way to go again even for this application and here you've got an electronic shutter and you know wide open bulb I guess seems like that should be pretty spiffy.
I will send you a picture of an HID car converted to H4 You need two H4 plugs that plug to the back of an H4 bulb and they will be spliced to wires on each side of your car that are readily available for this and many people have done this very simple.
I have a 2005 HID and the passenger side was going off and on randomly. I replaced both. I rarely drive the car at night. The light projected, in a word, sucks. I posted a new thread and didn't get any useful information. Is there an issue with older HID systems?
Well you know you're at 20 years or something like that ballast do go bad That's the thing that excites the gas in the bulb that makes your light The bulbs wear out the d series whatever they are just recently I had the same problem in my '08 HID very nice condition leather interior well taken care of vehicle that I bought for $700. Rather than do the dance with all the ballast BS bulb crap and all of that I wired in or actually plug and played in a new set of LEDs and they're working very wonderful and I'm not looking back these were plug in no wire cutting nothing they are in the car right now and they are bright as all get out holy Jesus now the Prius headlamp assembly in the generation 2 is nothing to ride home about but I don't live my life on the road at night and when I run down in this car to the store at 4:00 in the morning I have no complaints personally and I don't use the high beams ever practically they are very bright so as far as I'm concerned this eliminates the HID problem in the generation 2 You can go to a l l a lighting and get a version that you can wire by bypassing the ballasts and all that nonsense but then you're cutting up your wiring so going back maybe trifling if that's a thing what I did here I can go back to the d bulbs and ballast anytime I want I don't know why I would want that