Main point of the article "Conclusion It would be a misrepresentation of the finding to say it is evidence against vaccination. This finding actually underscores the importance of staying up-to-date on boosters."
"During the early rollout of vaccines, vaccinated people represented a small share of total deaths, but experts warned that the share would likely rise simply because vaccinated people were representing a growing share of the population. In other words, if 100% of people in the U.S. were vaccinated, vaccinated people would represent 100% of COVID-19 deaths. Similarly, as the share of the population with a booster rose somewhat during 2022, the share of deaths among boosted people also rose. COVID-19 vaccines are very effective at preventing severe illness and death, but they are not perfect, so deaths among vaccinated people will still occur." While 6 in 10 deaths from COVID are people that got a vaccine shot at some point, 8 in 10 of the population got the vaccine.
Read an article the other day citing the unobvious correlation between vaccinations and a lower incidence of Alzheimers. Studies showed a 17 to 26% lower incidence and it hardly mattered which vaccination it was. Covid vaccination was not studied as the data was from before Covid. Might be the lifestyle of those who take care of themselves?
Not ready for the www means for however long human like creatures were around, it’s been a very short time since they have been able to hear what almost the entire population of humans want to say. Designed and evolved for smaller population inputs of others. Sometimes only a few people. I remember in 1971 or so there was a older resident who never had been out of the county. How many different people did they talk to? Not that many. Now we have all this input. Not anything about robots telling us what to do.
Getting the shot doesn’t make someone die from covid more, but less. It’s that simple. It doesn’t give or cause covid. It increases immunity to covid exposure and what is there more to write about.
Nothing about science is 'that simple" well....unless you limit your data points. There'a a third possibility btw, which is that somebody with no comorbidities might just get the 'vid and not die from it. It really COULD happen! There's also the possibility of negative side effects - from the vaccine that's supposed to make you 'not die more' - according to Side effects from vaccinations which are vastly overblown by the anti-vax crowd but dismissed as a non-event by the vax zealots. Vaccinations are a tool. Nothing more. Nothing less, like a 9x19mm handgun. Use them wrong, and sometimes bad things happen. In the hands of a trained professional, they inarguably save lives. AND YET....this simple tool, centuries old, is surrounded by controversy, false information, misinformation, disinformation, etc. I've had three smallpox vaccinations in my life. The first was government 'recommended.' The second was government mandated. The third, was 'strongly recommended.' People of a certain age might remember the scars from the first of these, which often as not were (and still are) common on the left shoulders of the recipients - because most people in the world are disadvantaged at birth to be right-handed. My last vaccination was voluntary, but highly recommended by I took it happily, despite the fact that, yes Virginia - side effects from vaccines ARE REAL! Smallpox Vaccine: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly - PMC RTFA! You just have to do a cost-benefit analysis which, according to the instruction manual provided by our designer, we REALLY are not very good at. IYKYK. Smallpox isn't a 'nice' disease. THIS is the very disease that prompted the US army to conduct its first mandatory vaccination programme in the '70s - meaning the 1770's! It had about a 30% morbidity rate. Many of the people who are 'spared' from death are disfigured to varying degrees by scarring, including at least one US President. If you believe the 'experts' at least two civilizations were all but wiped out by smallpox - along with maybe a few others. There's at least one modern example where a smallpox outbreak was male-chicken-blocked by a robust mass vaccination programme that can only happen (sometimes!) in a dictatorial commie government. ME? I'd rather take my chances from the diseases - but that's me being me. YMMV!!! SO.... Diseases aren't 'that simple.' well....unless you limit your knowledge to friends and friends of friends.....
My better ½ often asks, 'why are you asking!?" because i wana know ... It was linked because I thought people would wana know. If we are not armed with knowledge, we can't necessarily make better life decisions. The article is valid, though I niw see it seems to be clickbait-ish in its presentation
I agree that it’s valid, which is why I didn’t question it, and I agree with the conclusion: “As more people become vaccinated, the percentage of vaccinated deaths will rise “ Simple middle school math. however, some anti vaxxers try to use the data to imply that getting the vaccine causes more Covid deaths. The usual ‘figures lie and liars figure’ routine
Science tells us it is impossible for the covid vaccine to give covid. End of www overload. I seened it right on the papers as Ise getting my jab. Jab and go about my business. No charts, I’m going to have more immunity to a killer disease than otherwise.
Who has ever said otherwise? I've heard of people who are not informed about how flu vaccines work saying that they got the flu from the flu shot, but I don't think I've ever heard anyone (worth regarding) state that they got the vid from the covid shot. I HAVE HEARD people incorrectly use the phrase "pandemic of the unvaccinated" but that's another topic. It is safe to presume that if you meet certain health criteria you really really REALLY should get the shot. Talk your doctor. After the 6th (or 7th...or 8th...or....) shot, I'd WOULD perhaps use a different word than "immunization."
I've had way more than 6 or 7 or 8 flu shots. I keep getting them, because that's a virus that seems to mutate a lot. It's not like I'm getting the same shot over and over. I don't keep getting measles or mumps or rubella shots, likely because those viruses don't have so much change in their antigenic character. Seems to be a tactical decision based on how the virus behaves. Coronaviruses seem to be more in that first, often-changing category.
i'm happy to call it the flu 'shot', covid 'shot', pneumonia 'shot', instead of vaccinations, if it makes politically correct people feel better.
MMR is a 'twice and done' thing, IIRC - although I've had it more than that owing to working for uncle. The USN requires two jabs for MMR but they don't take your word for the fact that you may or may not have been properly vaccinated as a kid.
my doc recommended the rsv 'shot' today. i do not know if it will be yearly, or if rsv changes much, or if the 'shot' protection wanes with time