not a big deal, but i'm glad i spaced mine out, seeing i'm 68 going on 85: index.html after the covid shot at 10:30 am, i started to feel tired and achy around 12 hours later. rough nights sleep, and i woke with mild head and body aches. faigued most of the day, went to bed early, slept well and woke up feeling great. i guess i'd rather listen to the cdc than a pharmacist, and cdc recommends rsv for those over 60. but i'm still thinking about it. rsv went through our sons otherwise healthy family last year, and it was pretty rough for a long time. i'm not sure how my immune system will handle it.
Personally, seeing how big pharma is pushing the RSV, think I will take the pharmacist view. But, being cautious is not a bad thing. I toyed with skipping this latest CoVid shot but seeing that only 20 percent of the population was expected to receive it, figured might be good to get stuck.
I'm going to put the flu off until after Thanksgiving, and see if I can get the geezer dose. Still doing research on the RSV shot. Not a lot of longitudinal data on that one from what I can tell. I'm thinking that there will be increased demand for the shot post holiday but if I get into line early.......
I find it hard to know as much or more than md’s without going to medical school and keep it simple, get the shots doc says I should. If they say no interaction, that’s also what I go by.
me too, but the internet has empowered us patients. as they say, you have to advocate for yourself. i won't do it blindly
Oh yeah, I seen a few of those types holding trump or Desantis signs. Must not be on the take from big farma
Interesting times. People believing snake oil cures versus medical doctors. Not sure humans are ready for the world wide web. I never in my life have had an MD tell me their medical information.
A lot of anti vaxxers/maskers went bye bye. They did sometimes talk about thinning the herd was the best way to handle epidemics. Herd immunity. All natural like.
They need somebody like....who? NON humans to limit their access to information? Sure!! OK.... "Alexa, please name for me the winner for The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2015, and describe their contribution to medicine!" Perhaps you've never benefited from being able to talk with your medical provider as a friend. MY doctor is a woman in her 30's who wants to have more kids. She did an INFORMED benefit analysis and made HER choice for HER. She also gave me specific guidance for a person of my age, gender, and health history that may or may not have coincided with HER PERSONAL choice. The military has been vaccinating their people since the 1770's. I personally have probably had more vaccines than most in this forum, including being forced to take a fairly sketch course of vaccinations during Gulf-1 leading to a LAW AGAINST forced vaccines for troops in similar situations. had the power to use a EUA to get around that law, and I believe that this power was exercised judiciously since, in 2020 we didn't know what we didn't know. It's not 2020 NOW. Facts don't care about people's feelings, or where they went to school. Go to YOUR doctor, and do what THEY say. just remember.....QUESTIONING science......IS SCIENCE. Otherwise? It's religion.
My doctor tells me about his med stuff -- when appropriate -- all the time. Having said that, I only see him once every several years, but he sees wifey and the rest of my relatives regularly. He's a Columbia and Harvard grad, which, depending on your point of view means nothing, something or a heck of a lot. He is a fisherperson (have to be PC), boater, kayaker, hiker, environmentalist, a bit like me. I have seen the wedding pictures of his parents from Italy. He is a great guy. I think I mentioned he does not see a lot of husbands. my "geezer shot" as ETC(SS) called it yesterday about 4 p.m. PDT. They really wanted to give me the standard dose for some reason, but my doc said super dose, so that is what I got. Mild pain at injection site this morning, which is about 20 hours past injection, but no other issues, My Covid shot from last Thursday, injection site was a bit sensitive until late yesterday, other than that,
i can still feel the covid injection site a week later, when i reach over my opposite shoulder to wash my back. almost gone though
I had a family member who was a doctor even he wouldn’t give any family member advice related to what he does. It is all about science. A doctor’s office visit is a strictly professional setting. I have never had an appt where there weren’t people coming in all day for their appts one after the other. No time for shooting the breeze, maybe for 10 seconds. I can’t imagine a doctor in his office saying I don’t get the shot as evidence and advice for me. If I die from not getting the shot, as a lot do, it is his fault. That would be a “quack” doctor.
CDC fun facts Trying to find followup that includes this year.. .