I'd like it dark when I'm driving at night, can't find if there's a setting for the foot well and accent lighting to turn them off? I've been through all the settings, and I'm racking my brain trying to figure it out!I have the 12.3 in info screen in "dark mode" all the time and have brightness all the way down. And dash dimmer switch to low! Maybe I am just light sensitive, but the neon blue strip is too much!
Manual seems to say that the footwell light and instrument panel ornament lights are "can be changed by a dealer" options. I'd spotted the options in the manual, but hadn't registered until now that they weren't easily accessible. Sigh.
There are apps available that allow you to change those dealer only options. Carista I think is one. Never used such myself, so don't know what is required.
Pg 538 of the owner's manual (Footwell lights). It also says that the Instrument Panel Ornamental Light (the blue strip?) can be changed by the dealer. Carista has not been updated for Gen 5, so only items common to Gen 4 and Gen5 are changeable through its OBD device and software. The Footwell light setting is listed, by the IPOL is not listed since it didn't exist in Gen 4.
The blue light strip is not on the instrument panel, but on the 'dash board'. I see no reference to the ability to manipulate the blue (or red in Prime) light strip anywhere in the owner's manual. I spoke to my dealership and they know of no ability to change it.
There's no consistent distinction made between "instrument panel" and "dashboard" in the manual. The "instrument panel ornament lights" are the light strip across the whole dash. The setting is shown here in the US owner's manual:
Boggles me why Toyota would place some settings accessible in the GUI but not this one! Picked up the car today and found the correct disabling method within the latest TIS software (already had a mini-VCI way back from my first 2004 Prius purchase that still works fine) Didn't take a picture initially, but will look up the exact settings later on. Basically under the customization function, there is a category on the right column that has settings for interior lights, including: "Interior Illumination Light 2" and Interior Illumination Light 3" Disabling both of those will do the trick. I didn't notice initially what "Interior Illumination Light 1" does.. tired At first I thought it didn't do anything, and then later realized that it cut the lighting off in sections, one does the far right light near the passenger and the other does the remaining lighted section. So yes, dealer should definitely be able to do this (and free of charge) Just have to find a competent dealer/person that knows what they are doing with TIS software. I'll update this post later on with more details to be useful for others going to their dealers to change this.
I wonder if the setting (to off) gets lost whenever 12 volt battery is disconnected. ^ Why do you say that; doesn’t that go against their DNA?
At least based on prior experiences, settings that mentioned that dealer would be able to change on request from the customer would not be things they would charge for. YMMV though. I did also notice that the pulsing of the light strip when the lead car drives away still works even if the light has been turned off with Techstream software.
Figured I'd post the screenshot showing where this particular disable lives (light 2 and light 3) Judging by the description of light 1 it sounds like that may be the footwell light? I also took a chance to decrease the turn signal blinker sound to the low setting (it was set to medium). That one lives in the 'Warning' category. Despite all the customize categories shown, only some have actual settings that apply, some just show us as blank.