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Buyer Beware: PriusOverlanding is a scam

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Main Forum' started by 2PriusGarage, Sep 3, 2022.

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  1. Hybrid Ron

    Hybrid Ron Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2019
    South of there
    2015 Prius v wagon
    Seriously dude, that's the best you can do?

    Most baby mama's can spell "Duane." Your's couldn't. Extremely unusual spelling -- "Duwayne."
    The Toronto Star published your name, "Duwayne McClendon" in the article about Prius Overlanding saying you were living in the LA area.
    The lawsuit has your address in LA County, at least when the lawsuit was filed.

    The lawsuit is about a rip-off involving car mods.
    You are known for being involved in car mod ripoffs -- both from Prius and Scion (not to mention TurnAroundMedia).

    So your best comeback is suggesting that somehow there are two different people with the unusual name "Duwayne McClendon?"
    And both of these people just happen to live in the LA county area?
    And both of these people with the unusual name, who just happen to live in the same county, are each accused of financial ripoffs involving car mods?

    Yeah, right.
    PriusCamper likes this.
  2. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    No good sir... what this is.. is remarkable!

    PriusCamper stated words I said are inaccurate. He then you and others don't even validate his claims... I'd love to see how he proves my new battery loaned... heck, anything else he stated. So me stating he is wrong, and that you SweetCheeksCupcaskes are a Karen who is simply giving their opinion and has no verifiable proof that I am even who I say I am...But yet.. its okay for ou all to parade around here leaving the most bizarre and basically hallucinogenicposts about me... hahahaha
    like.. have you ever thought about that?

    That yeah, there might be some people pending a refund or a part arrival but.... this whole thread started because the OP THOUGHT he got scammed because it was taking longer than he expected to receive a package. That and his expectations on communications weren't met. He received a refund. I'm no scam..

    So the mods don't modify the post title... because.. yet and still.. everyone wants to say I'm a scammer and a criminal yet.. where? how? but this is the internet.

    Then my thought goes... so then, in theory, what would have to happen for you to think I'm not a scam? help me help you keep ya mouth shut because. I have better things to do with my time than defend myself against baseless allegations. Point blank!

    I would love to see, what makes you soooooo positive I am scamming? That I am a criminal? That's something I hope you can clear up for me. Thanks!

    Are any mods reading all of this? I got some warning because of my post where I told SweetCupcakeSmoochyFace to ask his mama but... yall out there? Where do we get to a place of they havent proved their point they should cut all this madness out and the title of this thread is changed, hell at least Scam removed!

  3. fuzzy1

    fuzzy1 Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2009
    Western Washington
    Other Hybrid
    Pleased don't get sidetracked on irrelevant issues. Mama can spell the names any way she wants. I've met and assisted someone else using that exact spelling.

    My own spouse has a non-U.S.-standard spelling.

    On second thought, having relatives named Karen, who received that name many decades ago, my apologies for pushing back at Hybrid Ron.
    #303 fuzzy1, Oct 19, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
  4. Brian1954

    Brian1954 Senior Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    South Central PA, USA
    2011 Prius
    Okay, I will ask you. Are you the Duwayne in this court document? Please, no long-winded reply, a simple yes or no.

    Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
  5. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    ok keep going.. you haven't VERIFIED any of what you said....

    I'll say this. she isn't my baby mama... I got the DNA test to prove that... so if you can trump DNA then ha. I'm a criminal!
    what does this lawsuit have to do with anything? You can go to any court, and file paperwork. That doesn't mean it's true... I can go get a temporary restraining order on anyone in Los Angeles country by writing one piece of paper about my allegations. They will be out of their house for 30 days... so, because the paperwork was filed doesn't mean it's me... doesn't mean because those words were written they are true... how does only a filed document mean anything, the courts didn't even do the case.

    me being involved with anything other than Prius parts also, where? Because someone else typed it on the internet? Like a person typed on reddit encouraging people to contact the AG.. okay, 1 since and that person has my roof rack on his car.

    so, my best comeback is, the same, just because you type it, doesn't make it magically true and me. heh. like. huh?

    what is the goal here? to prove I'm lying about PriusCamperlying about me? or.. can I get an agenda and task goal here so I make sure to put my best foot forward?

    yall are tossing all this stuff out there and I'm thinking, OKAY... what is the point? where are we trying to get to so this can be shot out in the field with a proper burial?
  6. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    wait... they said that's me, I asked how is that me... go ask them for proof of what they all speak...

    separately, help me understand what if it's me or not has to do with anything right now? it's a moot point. plus, I just plead the 5th. Next question?
  7. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    heck.. answer me this since you all know so much... I recently found out I have a younger brother and a sister on my biological father's side. I know for a fact they all knew about me way longer than I knew about them. Oh. and let me know what my biological brother whom I've never met, what is he in Prison for? Surely, with you all knowing internet searching ways, you can help me tie all this together. Now, if my biological father spells his name the same, I'm sure my younger brother's name is spelled the same... but then if they have all lived in Los Angeles County. How many other Duwayne's are you there, with my same spelling that may have lived in Los Angeles County at one time in their life?

    You are making allegations based of assumptions and a year ago, when it all started, no... actually soon as I started posting my car, y'all been saying the same thing, it didnt get bd until I put on the All-Terrain tires and really started doing more with my Prius off the pavement.
    well maybe not here, Facebook is where all this started. So there you have it, this is all the true definition of the saying...

    but wait. it'm a scam because you read it on the title of a forum from a customer with a valid concern regarding his order just his use of the word doesn't fit the definition! I wonder if there was a meeting with the mods and they voted... what the outcome would be? remove the word scam since the op wasn't scammed? I think that would be the outcome!
  8. Hybrid Ron

    Hybrid Ron Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2019
    South of there
    2015 Prius v wagon
    You will never get a simple yes or no answer from black_jmyntrn. He knows whether he was served with the complainant and hired attorney Avner Sofer to defend him. But he will never admit it.

    I have no doubt that you'd be willing to do that. But this woman didn't just "file paperwork" with her specific allegations against you. She submitted a notarized affidavit, meaning that she'd be risking a felony conviction for perjury if she was lying. You could sue the crap out of her and repay all your creditors!

    Are you seriously saying that you didn't have a romantic relationship with Elan Coplin and open ELC Motorsports -- Yes or No?

    Oh yeah, those words aren't in your vocabulary.
  9. Brian1954

    Brian1954 Senior Member

    Jan 31, 2021
    South Central PA, USA
    2011 Prius
    Thank you for your reply. I was just trying to determine your character and determine if you are honest.

    One additional question. When I look at all the items listed for sale for the Gen 3 on Priusoverlanding.com, every item is listed as Sold Out. Do you plan on stocking any of the items in the USA in the future?

    Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
  10. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    you know... I actually had a lawyer look into this.. and the paperwork was never served... so... where do you see it was served?

    also, people lie every day B!

    PriusCamper lied about me a few days ago on more than one topic.. the one that ticked me off was him saying I have a loaned battery? That is what has me most puzzled about everything. Particularly since I haven't talked to anyone about my battery... nor posted how I acquired it... I for sure didn't say it was loaned.

    Heck, people lie to send their kids to another school district!
  11. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Clearly, I am missing something. I don't know how you are able to discern anything about my character and my honesty from a question they wouldn't even ask on a job application. I'm doing you all a courtesy even entertaining this madness but I do it as I know and many other reputable Hybrid shop owners as well, heck, one Popular one is a part of my new dropship/curbside pickup network... that i am not a scammer! they also know Prius owners can be something special to handle. You know, some hybrid repair shops refuse to work on a Prius because of the way the owners are?

    Regarding the parts, I'm like literally in my head days away, realistically weeks, and pushing for faster to have the initial launch products and new products finally sitting in the new fulfillment warehouse with everything linked to new site codebase. There is a big box of blackout shades for the Gen 3 and the new Gen 4 shades sitting on the porch that should've gone to fulfillment but the other things in this particular order were for me so I had them send all to the house. The next shipment will have the Gen 2 blackout sunshades!
    Come to find out, there were multiple shipping labels made and I could've had them send the items for me to the house and for sale things to fulfillment. It's okay though, the process of going from new part idea to prototype and then ready for customer order after in-stock in fulfillment is sooooooooo much better than before. I'm just hoping the pallets of items isnt too much, I thought they were sending this stuff on a pallet. I think when I'm getting 5-10 sets of those LED Headlights with the clear amber for the Gen 3 Plug-in and things like tail lights and those cool-looking cut-off steering wheels that's when pallet status will begin.
    The best part is the wait(there shouldn't be one as the system will now send out PO's to my manufacturers when the site stock count gets to a certain number, based on the sales trend that PO should be in stock by or shortly before the last in stock item is sold) for an item we make here in the USA will take no longer than 27 days to be in stock!

    I just made things out of stock so that I could focus on getting all in stock without the headache of someone saying I am a scammer for their order taking too long and not responding to their email.

    So now, the way it's going, any outstanding orders that don't want a refund will be sent here shortly, then I can have fulfillment linked with showing the actual in-stock count and can start to process refunds to those who requested. This all has been a long process and I don't see anyone having anything to say about not receiving a part or refund here in the very near future. At the same time with items shipping the same day ordered no one will have complaints about shipping times. Then... Ill be able to focus on getting help for communications and improving there.

    oh and check this out.. I finally have the base structure down for the upper console im making for myself. I still need to add in the LCD monitor for the rear view mirror and take apart the homelink mirror then 3d scan it so I can relocate those buttons to this console. Im going to wait to make the cutout where the sunglasses holder is, there will be the docking station for the raspberry pi I have that's not only my memory card backup dump but also holds the streamdeck've coded which controls the automation in the car along with controlling the OBSS system with the up to 10 4k live streaming action cameras! Ill be able to livstream and switch between the cameras with this thing!

    #310 black_jmyntrn, Oct 20, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
  12. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    oh and one point of clarity before yall run wild with it. I have never had a paternity test with an Elan. I do have kids and now that I think about it, have never had a paternity test. My statement earlier was saying if it came down to it, and a DNA test was done, I could get a DNA test to prove that she's not my baby mama... hahaha. someone gonna say "Ohh so you did have a relationship with her then, since you have a dna test to prove she's not your baby mama" hheh
  13. V Sport Wagon

    V Sport Wagon Active Member

    Oct 6, 2023
    Southern California
    2012 Prius v wagon
    And who might that one be? Prey tell...
    black_jmyntrn likes this.
  14. ASRDogman

    ASRDogman Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    2010 Prius
    "IF" that stuff "IS" true..... Please provide the link to where you got all that information.
    Since it will be a matter of public record now....
    And if you can't.... welll.....:whistle::whistle::whistle::confused::confused::confused:
  15. rjparker

    rjparker Tu Humilde Sirviente

    Jun 6, 2008
    Texas Hill Country
    2012 Prius v wagon
    One thing we have to realize is a guy with serious issues can still have an excellent command of the english language and can learn from politicians and lawyers the art and science of continuous denial. Even when he denies lawsuits and allegations, his name, dropshipping etc only to confirm the same in a near continuous stream of consciousness. Freudian practitioners would have a field day with this behavior.

    It is enough for me to know multiple Priuschat members have been victimized and ghosted by this "company". He has admitted $40,000 in credit card chargebacks. In the post above he acknowledges he has been running a dropship operation, meaning when and if he delivers a product he is usually buying from someone else and having them ship direct. Not illegal when executed properly but obviously he has trouble juggling the balls well enough to avoid chargebacks.

    So it is good that potential buyers may be warned by this thread. They need to know chargebacks have a time limit after which they lose. So delay and denial can payoff for the seller.
    #314 rjparker, Oct 20, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
  16. Hybrid Ron

    Hybrid Ron Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2019
    South of there
    2015 Prius v wagon
    Fair enough. See attached.

    Attached Files:

  17. Hybrid Ron

    Hybrid Ron Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2019
    South of there
    2015 Prius v wagon
    So you'd have us believe that you spent money on a lawyer regarding a lawsuit that involved a different Duwayne?
    #316 Hybrid Ron, Oct 20, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2023
    V Sport Wagon and Brian1954 like this.
  18. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    That's neither here nor there, moot point and I plead the 5th. I don't need to name-drop to prove my legitimacy. Heck, there is a review of my metal engine splash shield on this forum. I guess that doesn't count for anything around these parts tho.

    Here you are assuming again... No one has been victimized, where has this happened? You say ghosted? If there are no SLA's in place, you are saying because of your own expectations, you feel they have been ghosted. So sure, if someone places an order, and then reads false claims of scam, or fraud, they will do a chargeback to protect themselves. LOL.. and do you know what drop ship means? If I manufacture products, I'm not drop shipping, drop shipping is a completely different term from what it is I am doing. So here, you have you, thinking you know what I am doing and then attempting to say I have an excellent command of the English language. Clearly, I don't because you still have yet to articulate what in actuality it is I am doing. Lots of speculation by you and still nothing you've written is the 100% truth!

    So you mean to tell me, that if you find out someone put your name on filled paperwork with the courts, you wouldn't get a lawyer to investigate its legitimacy and how it could impact you?
  19. Hybrid Ron

    Hybrid Ron Junior Member

    Jun 16, 2019
    South of there
    2015 Prius v wagon
    My real name is John Smith. If I hired a lawyer every time someone put my name on paperwork filed with the court, I'd be broke.

    You contested that "black_jmyntrn is the Duwayne in this court document?" If it's a different Duwayne -- not you -- then no need to be concerned, just like I'm not concerned when people file lawsuit that coincidentally have my name.
  20. black_jmyntrn

    black_jmyntrn Senior Member

    Oct 23, 2020
    Los Angeles, CA
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Unless I lost my marbles and completely don't understand how the court system works, there is nothing on this filled paperwork that never saw a judge that says that's me. Plus with it being dismissed, I still don't see why this matters to you and you use it like its the smoking gun regarding me being a scammer or committing fraud. It's nothing but a waste of space and shame on you for being ignorant in the law while attempting to internet shame someone. Who hurt you? Do you need to talk about it with someone?

    So wait. because you see a court document that was filled and are feverishly trying to tie me to something that has no weight in his matter on the forum, I am the bad guy? ha! The best part is, all of the customers/supporters who have been reading this thread and knowing I'm not what you all are trying to paint me as and they asking the same questions... WHY ARE YOU UNDER SUCH SCRUTENY? My response has been, that either they are all simple-minded racist folks or they are mad I don't covet the almighty Prius MPG as the level is stupidity is at an all-time high right now with people believing they have some power over me because they believe what they are reading about a name which bears a resemblance to mine.

    Let's not gloss over the fact PriusCamper hasn't once shown proof of anything posted by that account regarding me, let alone told us how my new HV battery is loaned! and that SweetTenderTitsCupcake guy I would love to meet them both in person. They give off little dog big bark energy as they would rather hide behind an alias than meet in person to discuss their issues. Heck, how do we not know they arent supporters of my competition and in fact are trying to tear me down for the benefit of a competitor?
  21. ASRDogman

    ASRDogman Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    2010 Prius
    Okay, So how does it prove it is for the other business?
    It could be completetly unrelated.
    Trying to stay like switzerland....

    I wouldn't do business with him based on his attitude, and that so many people can't seem
    to get what they paid for. I would never wait months for a product I paid for unless before I
    paid for it they said it would take months. But then I probably would buy it. Until they could deliver
    it within a week or two.
    And If not received in that time, I'd expect a refund within a day. And if they didn't, I'd be calling
    my credit card company to cancel payment.
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