Well, Steve started a pretty good outdoor power tools thread. Might not be mundane enough but I reckon it's not bad. I haven't noticed a cooking/foodie thread.... hmmmm
O.k. I took the bait and started the food thread. Any wagers on how many posts. I will bet a virtual Anchor Steam less than six. You know, six, as in six pack. Or does no one buy six packs anymore...hmmm interesting question kris
Wait ... Your avatar shows you jouned in 2009. Hadn't hobbit disappeared from PC prior to '09? Might be another interesting thread, whatever happened to .... Bill Merchant was insightful ...but always wondered where he went.
First, Hobbit is deservedly a legend. Not only here at PC. Second, I first started out here with another ID but then some moderator ... Not dreamy Tideland, said I had to go cause my PW was the same as my name. So new name, but I knew of Hobbit before PC. kris
Changing the PW wasn't an option? Reminds me of a tailor marking a suit for me one day, assuring me the real trouble was my arms not hanging to the same altitude. I still preferred the idea of altering the suit.
So long ago and so many more important issues since, I really don't recall. I do recall thinking it is the PW to a #&@%* car forum what do I care if someone hacks the account. Kris
While that's true, the real concern may have been that you'd used those credentials on other more important sites. Some people really do re-use the same password everywhere. Meanwhile I don't even use the same email address on any two sites. But it's likely I'm just making things harder than they need to be...
Hobbit and I are active members in another forum. We have different rides but share an interest in fast DC charging. Bob Wilson
got the covid booster this morning, not expecting any repercussions until tonight or tomorrow. i'll talk to my doc about rsv.
Local news reported RSV vaccine shortage ... probably a regional problem where people use vaccines. Bob Wilson
i wouldn't be surprised, especially as it's a new product. if i decide to go ahead, i'll report back. or maybe we need an rsv thread, i'll check.
Got covid vax 9.5 hours ago. No reaction at all so far. Interesting side note, pharmacy person asked why I also was not getting flu; answered I never get flu vax until late December. He answered I may want to rethink as I just turned 65 and should be getting the super dose but they always run out of the super flu dose by the end of November. He also, in answer to my question, said unless I had "other" conditions such as diabetes or asthma, RSV was really not needed. But if I wanted it...
UPDATE: Fourteen hours after CoVid vax yesterday awoke around 3 a.m. with very sore injection site. Managed to get to sleep, wake up at 6:30 a.m. and injection site hardly hurts. Finally, decided to schedule a high dose flu vax next week and was able to get an appointment next week. However wifey said she had been told by a pharmacist she talked to this morning that while it was O.K. to get both CoVid and flu vax at the same time -- at least an inch apart, you should wait two weeks between the vaxs if you do not get them at the same time. A quick Google brings up a real mess, with a number of sites parroting the pharmacist wifey talked to, but the CDC Web site said it does not matter. So, going with the CDC. Did a bit more poking around after posting above, finally found why they want a two week wait, I think? Spacing out the shots by around two weeks could "minimize the chance of interactions, and minimize confusing side effects from one with another," said Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA's Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research.