Driving through a village on an exploration found a prius rotting into the tundra. Decided to try and find its owner. Eventually tracked down the owner, who told me a story of drive battery failure. ( lithium project ? Or steel HV batteries from my wreck 2009) Today was the exploration of the prius. . . 5 gallons of new fuel, a tiny bit of marvel mystery oil. Engine oil topped off (2 quarts low) 5w30. New 12v battery installed. And test fire. . .
"Problem" batterey icon car logo and exclamation. Plenty of codes flashing ready light and no fire. Eventually it started gas engine. Would only surge then die in drive or reverse. Made Aweful noises. . . This is totally the car to buy eh?
Lol, ya know the things I didnt check. I was thinking more on what parts I might rob from this car if the project is a bust. Will atempt to put the video of engine start and idle on youtube and link it. Another day grab exterior pictures. ( something fun about a snow machine and a prius rotting next to each other)
After disconnecting or replacing the 12v, clean the MAF and butterfly valve. Given the posted DTCs, you likely have built up water in the plug holes, remove the COPS (coil over plugs) to see if there is water inside, then remove the plugs and see what is what. This is a keeper, as it has more than four buttons on the MFD
Owner is thinking on my offer. . . Rims and tires alone are worth a bit to me. Will ask him again in october if he does not het back to me. SFO, thank you for those detailed practical checks! You got me more exited about it.