A lot of reviewers are complaining about missing vents for the rear seats. At least according to the manual, there are "optional" vents for the rear seats below the front seats. Does anyone know which markets are getting these? At least for people already having a Prius it shold be easy to check.
Easily confused, was thinking this conversation was going to be about ventilated perforated leather seats - where AC cooled air is blown all across your backside. If that was aftermarket that would be "cool" ... pun intended. .
Thanks for the check! I would assume these are pretty standard then for most markets. Sure, they are not as good as explicit ones in the middle console but reviewers always sounded like people in the rear will die from heat or cold.
I'm loving the ventilated front seats in my Limited. I think that makes the Limited trim worth it all on their own. Limited has the rear floor vents, btw. I'm guessing all US trims do, but we need an LE and/or SE owner to chime in.
Might be a silly question, but does the HVAC have to be on “feet only” to get the air into the back floor area with those above mentioned vents? Hvac set to “full auto”, would the rear passengers get full auto through those floor vents? Wondering, but I would assume yes.
Those are "rear seat heater ducts" and has been standard on all cars since the late 90s or early 2000s (I do remember them being optional on the late 90s Cavaliers so I think those were the last few cars to have had them as optional equipment). The "rear seat A/C vents" that people are asking for, are for cooling - so they're usually located at the back of the centre console or on the B-pillar. Yes (or at least some combination that includes the FOOT position). Yes in the winter. The HVAC typically heats your feet in the winter as warm air rises and a warm foot tends to make you feel warmer overall than if you were to blast your face with heat but your feet is cold.
As for the optional I got the idea from the "if equipped": Its clear what the people were asking for but are you sure the "rear sear heater ducts" are only for heating? Why not cooling as well? The manual doesnt mention any difference
I’d be very surprised if it was optional. It’s possible this manual is not just for Canada and US but also Mexico. Typically it’s for heating but sure by all means, turn on the A/C and change the MODE to “FOOT” if you wanna blast your feet with cold air. It just won’t do it automatically cause it doesn’t make sense.
I can confirm that air only blows out of those ducts if the “lower” airflow setting is enabled. None comes out in the “upper airflow only” setting. Should be the case whether it’s fan, cooling, or heating. But will check and confirm later.
The manual is written for the global market. The spare tire is an "if equipped" bit in it, and I don't even think it's an option in the US.