Hi everyone, So a week ago while driving my car started briefly hesitating after I would accelerate sporadically. I stopped my car and turned it back on everything was fine. Drove to work fine but then the problem resumed on the way home. 2 days later I went to drive the car again and a multitude of lights turned on including the check engine and red triangle of death. Tried to read the codes with a basic scanner but didn’t get anything so I had it towed to a shop to get evaluated. They said they weren’t sure but thought maybe the battery but they didn’t deal with hybrids much and to take it to a dealer but it drove fine for them. I drove it to a buddies just fine and tried to run Dr. Prius on it which didn’t work because apparently my car isn’t supported. So then I went to drive it home however the car had a very limited acceleration taking upwards of 30 seconds to reach 50 mph. I was watching the power transfer display or whatever the name of that is and there was 0 communication or power transfer between the “electric motor” and the rest of the car unlike normal. There was obviously also no communication to or from the hybrid battery. So I decided to take it to a dealership to get a more thorough evaluation and on the way there the car drove great with the very occasional hesitation after accelerating and now the hybrid battery fan was blowing very hard. The dealership evaluated it and said they wanted to fully replace the battery, hybrid computer and some relays for the great price of $4800. Since the car itself was $5200 I declined. I’ve attached some photos of the codes they pulled and was wondering if you guys agreed with their conclusion. It seemed to me the problem lies somewhere outside of the battery mainly due to the lack of communication between the hybrid system and the normal engine. I have been still getting normal fuel efficiency also with no dips since buying the car. They did pull the p3000, p3016 and p0A80 codes with a failing block 6. So obviously there is a battery issue but I’m not showing signs of a failing battery in the fuel efficiency. I’m attaching a sheet of the codes they pulled. If anyone has some insight I would love the advice. Thank you guys. Just some background information that is probably not useful. I bought my Prius 1.5 years ago at 185k miles with no problems or codes. Now I’m at 207k miles.
It is only a matter of time before the FE numbers tank and the other symptoms you quoted are certainly signs of battery problems. The dealer's diagnosis is accurate however, the remedy is the worst-case scenario. The dealer has only one option as they want the car to be in the best condition it can be for reliability. So, the battery definitely would be replaced. The other items should only be replaced if upon inspection there is damage or necessity. That will not make the job a lot cheaper though. The battery-only option could run you $2,900 - $3,400. How are you suited for doing work on cars?
Out of all these paragraphs of information you don't say what your car you have and wasn't supported on Dr Prius? What is it car that you have exactly I mean you're in the generation 2 Prius area of the chat so I'm guessing maybe a generation too which is 04 to '09 and it's not supported by the doctor Prius app seriously? I don't think that's any kind of correct but oh well and the dealer has it somewhat right there's different ways to skin that cat just depends on how you're going to go about it because it's your car and your choice so there's always that You got a lot of reading to do I guess or hand over the keys and your checkbook to whoever you choose. Good luck this is another one of these cars just starting to get broke in good.
Apologies I thought since when signing up for an account and it asks what model Prius I have that information would be displayed. Correct it’s a gen2 2008.
Gotchya, I appreciate the response. I wasn’t totally sure if the dealership was just trying to upsell me to fix the most and also make the most or if it was accurate. Me and my buddy are competent enough and have the materials to fix most issues on vehicles if guided. We were contemplating just doing the battery to whatever needed ourselves.
you can try doing a whole engine tune up, but without codes, it will be a lot of replacing parts unnecessarily. why not start by getting tech stream up and running, and researching how to rebuild the battery yourself?
You either do the replacing a few cells by watching Youtube video which I did the first time and that got me 2 more years. Recently I replaced the whole battery with one from Greentec auto. They have a shop near me so I didn't have to pay shipping. My car has 280k and it's still working but acts funky. I think I have another issue besides the battery.
Yes on a generation too get it capable scan done because the generation two parts coils and things like that are pretty decently made they are made to go the distance and personally I don't like to change them out till I no one is bad. And that's that just to replace your set of coils just to be doing so with some aftermarket possibly not nearly as well made is a crapshoot at best that's why I buy up these cars when I can get them for near nothing because a lot of them have really good parts sensors coils all of that If you start buying cheap invitations for some of those things you can wind up with more problems than you started with.