Toyota normally starts the model-year production in August, and the new model year makes it to the US by late August or September. Will 2024 Prius/Prius Prime be here in a couple of months, or will there be a delay? Will there be any updates in the 2024 model year and the rough edges be smoothened?
agreed. nomenclature doesn't really matter, it's too soon to change anything when they can't make enough of what they have, and they have some work to do on defects. the best part about waiting is hopefully they get some things straightened out.
I’m already thinking maybe I should be waiting until 2024 simply because it sounds better. : } I guess I better decide because the next allocation is next week! Would be a bummer to miss 2024 by just a few weeks. Someone at Toyota must know. I was thinking they wouldn’t want to be building 2023 cars in the months of October/November but when I was notified of the 2022 allocation it was the beginning of October. I know…just get the car.!
Is model year an american or an Toyota concept? Or did i live below a rock too long? I usually just know that cars get continuous smaller changes ( independently from the year) and perhaps an inter model facelift after a few years.
It’s not just a Toyota thing. I’m mostly thinking of trade in time. A 2024 model will sound a year newer even if it was manufactured in 2023. Buying a 2023 just as the 2024 is being released used to be an advantage for getting a better deal when dealer lots were full. Not the case now. If the 2023 and 2024 Prius are going to be the identical car with no improvements based on possible issues that have shown up over the past 8 months, then it really won’t matter. Just a psychological difference for me.
it must be american, we've used it my entire life. maybe american car companies devised it as a marketing gimmick. we've never had changes in the same model year.
I am or was but I now have the cashiers check in my hand. As long as I do this within 6 months I should be ok. The other advantage of not waiting is I have someone interested in my Gen 2. I must to say I’m enjoying the extended time with her.
Model year is an American concept, though it is also officially used in Canada. Rest of the world use production date when talking cars. This can lead to errors in news reports between the different areas. An European site reports a new model being released in 2025, and an American reader could think the car is coming out as a 2025MY in the fall, or even late summer, of 2024. Seen people criticize a car company for delaying a release because they were thinking model year, and the official press release was using calendar year. According to The Wiki it started because of new car models being synced with the fall TV season start for advertising. Can't show the old model when the new shows are on.
Only the shadow knows. That said, Nissan has released new model year cars the day of the new year GM Has had scenarios where the 2016 Volt released into a 4 month long model year with 2017 right after. No rules about when or where.