I assume the Prius keeps a history of acceleration, braking etc history in its memory. How long is that stored (24 hrs, a week, month, year?) If so how can I or Toyota access this data or is it proprietary available by court order.? Reason I ask is I just got a red light camera saying I was doing 80+MPH in a 55 MPH zone on this date and time which I dispute and thought maybe if I show what I was doing at that point it would hep my case. Besides I can't imagine my Prime doing much over 65MPH!
i don't think we know, but it's quite awhile. only toyota corporate can access the black box, so you would have to force them to somehow. idk if that's possible without a criminal case against them, kinda like breaking an iphone.
You're probably gonna have better luck by researching how your Apple or Android phone has that data... Of course if you had your GPS turned off that will be a dead end. The system that allows Toyota to pull data related to a major car accident is a system that is solely designed to protect Toyota from product liability lawsuits. And maybe there's some grey area there for other yet similar issues, but not for a speeding ticket.
And if you dare, let your dashcams (get front and rear) record your speed too. On my current units, this is optional, as many people have some self-serving reason to not want their speed recorded. Get their video recording, and see if you were properly identified and their claim is consistent with reality. A forensic review of their video, and examination and measurements of the scene, should give some clues to calculate approximate speed, independent of the radar. When a retired school teacher friend was tagged by a nearby school zone camera, the video also revealed some other problems that invalidated the citation. The city had not (yet) done its due diligence in setting up the new camera installation, after moving it from the original location. So far, I haven't hear of Toyota pulling the blackbox history for something at this low level. Note also that the legally mandated event recording covers only a handful of seconds prior to a crash or airbag deployment, so wouldn't cover your situation.
Only problem with dashcams is when people think it's a weapon to justify their ego trips/unwillingness to share the road... Over at https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/ we often get belligerent drivers that nearly cause accidents because they tried to speed up/failed to slow down to prevent someone from cutting in front of them. Those are the posts where we often say, "looks like the only idiot in this video is the one who uploaded it."
This, along with adequate signage to warn drivers, as well as a chronic inability to verify identity of driver, is why the cash cow of red light cameras in the early 2000's quickly fizzled out... Once enough lawyers took these remote sensing challenges to court the rollout of this technology didn't get much further. Most of the municipalities that lost in court will now only mail a warning to the registered owner of the vehicle. And while these systems are still in use in the most problematic areas where they can be justified, don't expect to see much growth in it.
I suspect the dashcams don't cause much of this behavior, but are just being used to showcase pre-existing behavior.