I told the two female nurses, after making their birth pain comparison, "you have something wonderful to show for a birth. Not so much passing a stone". .
Are our pass on passing kidney stones watched by grandfather do that to uncles one brother several work mates. No thank you I’ll stay with a healthy diet lots of water mostly vegetarian love my steak every now and then no food comes out of the freezer out of a can or out of a box. I’ll let those people who desire to have unhealthy diets, and then complain about being on the bathroom for 15 minutes or passing kidney stones, enjoy the fruits of their labor for their unhealthy diets. Childbirth, I delivered all three of my sons. My hats off to women for bearing that pain I would not want to trade places for all the money on earth for that pleasure.
I’ll be impressed with a male nurse has a baby and passes it. I think then, we will know the meaning of real pain. Lol
My mother delivered three babies and one kidney stone. While it is no longer possible to go back to re-hear her stories, I seem to remember her describing the kidney stone as worse. But I'm not sure that was the worst. While I was doing a home hospice caretaker shift for ovarian cancer, titrating the morphine and fentanyl doses to achieve sufficient pain relief without causing unconsciousness was very difficult, especially when working with a moving target. At one point very near the end, the pain was so bad that she demanded I give her the entire bottle of morphine tablets. (Assisted suicide was and still is illegal there, I gave just enough to cause a few hours of unconsciousness. She was beyond the point of being able to take them herself.) Since then, our wars in the Middle East and alleged torture by our forces lead to discussion of the allowed limits of inflicted pain without being labeled as torture. They talked of pain equivalent to "organ failure". I now believe that describes what mom was experiencing. I don't believe that normal childbirth rates similarly.
Funny, that. I spent a year in GTMO, and a year in Kuwait and some adjacent places and while I was never directly involved in detainee ops and while I also and absolutely did and do not agree with all of the US policies involving detainee ops - I've never, EVER seen a document - White, Green, Red, or Orange that mentioned acceptable pain levels for detainees. I spent more time than I care to recall ACTUALLY INSIDE the detention facility in GTMO. A current Presidential Candidate also either qualifies for a JMUA - or Joint Meritorious Unit Award, or does NOT, depending on whether or not he or she: "[was] ...present at the time and directly participated in the service or achievement for 30 days or more, or for the period cited if less than 30 days" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Meritorious_Unit_Award ETC(SS) 'Splainer: If you were at GTMO for more than 30 days, going good work for Uncle, even if it was only shooting banana rats with a suppressed .22lr rifle, sweeping down the dining facilities, or drawing a chalk line around the a deceased rock iguana you got a JMUA ribbon. I have 2. I didn't see any JMUAs mentioned in the aforementioned PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE's "I Love Me" page on the wikis..... Seperate thread? The only thing that I've seen in 'fake news' about Ron's service to his nation in uniform relating to detainee ops was that he oversaw detainee 'forced feeding' No. This is not a foie-gras thing. Military detainees do not have the right to go on a hunger strike. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guantanamo_force_feeding When I was there, the CG (Miller) proudly proclaimed that his soldiers and sailors were LOSING weight, while the detainees were gaining weight. SO.... Time passes. When I was at GTMO it was run by a 2-star (Major General) Now? A colonel runs it. The statute has probably run on the stuff that I know about the goings on at GTMO, but I WILL STATE CATEGORICALLY that had I been aware of any operations or guidelines that allowed acceptable pain levels approaching "organ failure" (whatever that is supposed to be) or even mentioning acceptable pain levels AT ALL during detainee interrogation I would have been a whistle blower. Just for fun, I went back 12 years in this forum to see if my opinions have evolved: https://priuschat.com/threads/waterboarding%C3%A2%E2%82%AC%E2%80%9Dyes.100038/#post-1418164 Nope. I still sleep OK at night.
um..... Dang. I'm out Aw Crap. No, it's not a dead link, but rather a link to the forum's sub-basement where the horribles live. If you really want to know - request an insecurity clearance to the political page. If you're dying of curiosity, don't like the horrible stuff that lives in the 'comments' page below most news stories, and want the verbiage of my views on enhanced interrogation (water-boarding) eleven years ago (which are largely the same as they are now) then PM me and I'll c-c-p the page. The reason that I like to send links is that you may forget what you said in the past, or how you said it in the past, but the past doesn't forget you - Dang. 11 years...... Time do fly......
Fabulous thing, most of the comment sections below news stories rely on Javascript to function, and I generally browse with Javascript turned off, and that's not even because I especially wanted comments sections to go away, but just because I am very old-fashioned about how many people I'm going to let run their programs on my computer. It's just a delightful side effect that I've pretty much never even seen a comment section below a news story in years, or even remembered that they exist most of the time, and I spend a surprising amount of my typical day blissfully thinking I live in a civilized place.
I will sometimes dip a toe in to remind me that an hour spent playing with my grandchildren or a quiet evening with my sweet wife is infinitely more enjoyable than anything on the interwebs or TV. During the summer I spend approximately zero hours a week in front of the TV. During winter months I will watch reruns on Pluto or the occasional college football game. The only reason I'm here as much as I am is the fact that my job keeps me on hold for a tester for long periods of time each day.
The most notorious document among the memos drafted by President Bush's legal advisers as they analyzed how far the U.S. could go to extract intelligence from those captured in the war on terror is known as the "Bybee memo." (PDF File) Some call it the "torture memo." The Aug. 1, 2002 memo, Assistant Attorney General Jay S. Bybee to Alberto R. Gonzales, counsel to the president, parsed the language of a 1994 statute that ratified the United Nations Convention against Torture and made the commitment of torture a crime. To be torture, the memo concluded, physical pain must be "equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death." And inflicting that severe pain, according to the memo, must have been the "specific intent" of the defendant to amount to a violation of the statute. Human rights groups reacted with horror when the Bybee memo was leaked to the press in June 2004, and it was quietly rescinded by the Justice Department on Dec. 30, 2004, just days before Gonzales was to appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee on his nomination as attorney general of the United States. (Meanwhile, Bybee in 2003 had been nominated and confirmed as a judge on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse Jay Bybee, the author of the Justice Department memo defining torture as activity producing pain equivalent to the pain experienced during death and organ failure,[135] was nominated by President Bush to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, where he began service in 2003.[136] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Bybee Together with John Yoo, Bybee drafted the Torture Memos, a set of legal memoranda which gave the CIA legal cover to torture detainees using "enhanced interrogation techniques". These techniques are viewed as torture by the Justice Department,[21] Amnesty International,[22] Human Rights Watch,[23] medical experts in the treatment of torture victims,[24][25] intelligence officials,[26] and American allies.[27] According to journalist Seymour Hersh, Bybee wrote in a memo that "for an act to constitute torture it must inflict pain...equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death."[28] For this and other memos, critics have called for his impeachment or resignation.[29] Bybee and five others, known as the "Bush Six", were the subject of a war crimes investigation in Spain,[30] but the government decided against prosecution in 2011. A memo declassified in 2012 indicates that some in the Bush State Department believed that the methods were illegal under domestic and international law, and constituted war crimes.[3] Secretary of State Colin Powell strongly opposed the invalidation of the Geneva Conventions,[31] and U.S. Navy general counsel Alberto J. Mora campaigned internally against what he saw as the "catastrophically poor legal reasoning" of the memo.[32] Philip D. Zelikow, former State Department adviser to Condoleezza Rice, in 2009 testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee studying the matter, "It seemed to me that the OLC interpretation of U.S. constitutional law in this area was strained and indefensible. I could not imagine any federal court in America agreeing that the entire CIA program could be conducted and it would not violate the American Constitution." Zelikow also alleged that Bush administration officials attempted to destroy his memos alleging fault in Bybee's reasoning.[33] Definition of Torture Under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2340–2340A That statute prohibits conduct “specifically intended to inflict severe physical or mental pain or suffering.” This opinion concludes that “severe” pain under the statute is not limited to “excruciating or agonizing” pain or pain “equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily functions, or even death.”
AH... Date of Issuance: December 30, 2004 That explains why I didn't see it. By the time the ink dried on that definition I was already off to my next adventure. Just remember.... .....The statute also prohibits certain conduct specifically intended to cause “severe physical suffering” distinct from “severe physical pain.” The US isn't perfect, and I support the folks who fight for 'justice' from the JUSTICE department of the US. It makes the latter MORE effective. Not all detainees were detained by US.....
That was just one step in the Torture Memo series, which started almost 3 years earlier. In 2002, Bybee even wrote that "prosecution under Section 2340A may be barred because enforcement of the statute would represent an unconstitutional infringement of the President's authority to conduct war".
The USB thread reminded me of some of our devices in the lab. The AC to DC plugs and chargers come with multiple snap in connectors for different market outlets. great for equipment that travels, but it is very unlikely a pipetter is going to go globetrotting. Once I popped the US standard prongs onto the device, the rest go into the trash. I was once upset with Amazon and others no longer including chargers with products, but now I get it. Try looking into gaming mice. Haven't seen one with adjustable pressing force for the buttons, but they generally use less less finicky components. On a related note, my mouse has that textured plastic for grip, which becomes a pain to clean. Based on where my head ends up in Toyota cars, I(5'10) assume they are made for shorter people.
At the far extreme from gaming mice, Logitech once (20 years ago?) made a simple small optical mouse called the MouseMan Traveler: logitech mouseman traveler - Google Search I just really liked it at the time for having a look so much cleaner and less wackily-shaped and greebled than the way others were going. Nothing fancy, three buttons, middle one is a scroll wheel. The brushed-metal top and smooth—not textured—plastic body are easy to clean. It comes apart super easily for internal cleaning, which I just had to do most recently the other day. Needs it every few years or so. Super mechanically simple and robust. The scroll wheel uses an optical sensor, nothing to wear out. It stops scrolling when enough gradoo gets packed in around it that the optical sensor can't see it, and opening it up to remove the gradoo fixes that. It's not nearly as big as my hand is. Not an issue for me; my hand's perfectly comfortable not having a big overgrown mouse underneath. I guess since this is the venting thread, I should mention my skin oil has messed up the anodizing over the right button. Bit unsightly. Maybe one day I'll take that metal piece off and down to the local metalfinishing place and see what they suggest.
A general fan of Logitech, I really like my G500 gaming mouse. Has a flaw in support of the internal cable connection, and it starts getting wonky. Plan to replace the cable some day. Scrolling with the current mouse gets iffy some days. Spraying electronics cleaner into it fixes it for a time. Guess I'll pull it apart someday too. Both though place the slide pads over the screws though. Returning to venting, don't care for the appearance aspect put onto gaming peripherals. i don't need my mouse to light up, much less cycle through programmable color schemes.
Hmm. They made this one with two round slide pads that don't cover anything that matters, and one oblong one conveniently between the only two screw holes that matter. I notice that whatever the black stuff is on one of the round pads now is gone. It's still a plastic pad and still slides ok. Wonder what the black stuff is. Maybe like what Toyota puts on their brake caliper fitting clips. That label in the middle used to say stuff. I guess one of my cleanings of the case took the last of the ink off. I think one of those slide pads may have slid off some years ago, and I just stuck it back on with a tiny dab of Plasti Dip underneath. I see the bottom surface of the plastic body does have a bit of texture. The sides are shiny smooth though, easy to wipe off.