Help Recently had my 2010 Prius make this sound every time I push the start button and it never stops
I can't open the file to hear the sound and I'm not really trying to I want an Android device not a computer. If you step on the break and close the door does the high pitch squeal go away Do you have lights on on the dash the amber ones ABS brake that sort of thing?
no lights no codes the sound is high pitch tone not mechanical. sounds like its everywhere inside car. couldn't tell where it was coming from. wouldn't let me upload mp3 for some reason
Sounds like a constant few kilohertz tone reminds me of leaving a fob in the car and trying to lock it with another fob. Just listened the mp 3 file , but the OP says it starts when hitting the start button
yes as soon as you put the car in ready mode. no matter if its with the brake pushed or not. I'm usually good with cars this one has me stumped. only other thing that is different from before is my windshield got cracked. its my second car so don't drive it all the time.
The inverter generates high current Pulse-Width-Modulated waveforms at high audio rates to do DC-DC and DC-AC conversions. The coils/transformers have high forces that can cause vibrations and audio like you are hearing. It is a sign that the binding of the transformers/coils is allowing the vibration to occur. It could result in wear on the insulation of the coils and this could cause later problems. JeffD
I removed the backseats and the bench, when I hit the start button, I hear a high pitch whine coming from the hv battery. Not many people done this so they wouldn’t know or hear this. As I accelerate, the pitch sound goes up. I’m fimilar with music scales so I hear pitches when present
That's a tone generated on purpose, not noise from electronics. It is from an alert buzzer. The one I've heard before that sounds like that is the brake failure warning. But maybe that's not the only one there is. Any lights on the dash?
problem fixed i unplugged the white wire from fuse box left if unplugged over night plugged it in and gone. lol
I have the exact same problem. I've disconnected the negative battery lead for a half hour, then reconnected it. No effect. I'll try the white wire idea, and report back.