Hey all, I think I might have to change the hybrid battery; Ran Dr Prius app and my battery capacity was showing at 39% which means it needs to be replaced soon. I think I ruined it when I was in the hospital rehab for over 3 weeks without having driven the car; then again, it is a 2011. What will happen when the hybrid battery goes completely bad and needs complete replacing, check engine light, car comes to a complete halt? Will the car still be drivable, but will not be utilizing the battery for efficiency? Thanks!
I think that probably no two HV batteries fail exactly the same. It's system seems to be pretty good at knowing when it is getting weak and warning you. BUT.....the HV battery starts the engine. So if it fails completely, it won't move because the gas engine won't start.
I would start looking around to locate a replacement, and get quotes. But I think this is a bit too early for the actual replacement.
Most of the time the HV battery fails due to one reversed cell (there are 28*6 cells in series). The Prius goes into limp mode which relies less on the battery, but you can continue to drive for a few weeks before things get too bad. JeffD
Oh Christ you're in Virginia You just dial up the hybrid doctor I think he's still in business and he'll fix your right up for about 700 bucks. He did a bang up job on my setup and from what it looks like they were very busy at the shop they had little Priuses coming in and out carrying batteries to people all over the tri-state area even in the Delmarva which is Delaware Maryland and Virginia. So I would look into it.
very few stories of batteries failing so badly the car is inoperable. usually there's a drop in mpg, fluctuating charge icon, then trouble lights. and even then, peopl will keep resetting the codes and drive on. i agree with above, start your research, decide what you want to buy and locate the best price so you'll be ready when it's ready.
I googled hybrid doctor and they seem to be located in Fredericksburg, Va. I also saw a listing for Dr Prius which is also in Va. Which one is it?
You're overthinking this wait till it throws a code chill out man stop trying to fix stuff that's not broken yet.
It's the hybrid doctor in Fredericksburg I believe is correct isn't that right up there on the kind of on the DC border the bedroom community for all the DC workers I think green is in the logo I'll have to go look I have his name and phone number in my Rolodex if you will It's a nice guy South American dude good people they have a bunch of Prius on the site that they go around and deliver these batteries with their logo is on the car It is not Dr Prius it's hybrid doctor and I believe Fredericksburg would be correct I drove there from North Carolina My brother lives in Maryland.